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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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From the Arch to the Uplift: Depositional Changes in the Cenomanian-Turonian Interval (Eagle Ford and Woodbine Groups) across Central and East Texas - Extended Abstract
J. A. Breyer, R. A. Denne, D. A. Bush
Geoscience-Based Management of Soil during Oil and Gas Development, an Example from the Eagle Ford Oil and Gas Production Area - Extended Abstract
Robert E. Dedoes
A Tour of Abrupt Margin Prospectivity Around the African Margin and Major Challenges of the Abrupt Margin Play - Abstract
John Dribus
Source Rock Maturation: Its Effect on Porosity and Anisotropy in Unconventional Resource Plays - Extended Abstract
Malleswar Yenugu
Origin, Transportation, and Deformation of Mesozoic Carbonate Rafts in the Northern Gulf of Mexico - Extended Abstract
Joseph Carl Fiduk