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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Extended Abstract: Big Bend Field: Gulf of Mexico Success, from Prospect to Production through Geoscience Integration
Owen Stephens
Extended Abstract: Multivariate Geostatistical Model for Groundwater Constituents in Texas
Dr. Faye Anderson
Extended Abstract: Oligocene-Miocene Rifting and its Influence on Siliciclastic Reservoir Distribution and Exploration in the Gulf of Suez, Clues from Recent Sub-surface Analysis, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Sharma Dronamraju
Extended Abstract: Diagenetic Evolution of Organic Matter Cements in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs
Wayne K. Camp
Extended Abstract: Sub-seismic Resolution in the Eagle Ford Enabled by Multi-Attribute Analysis Using Instantaneous, Geometric, and Spectral Decomposition Self Organizing Maps
Patricia A. Santogrossi
Abstract: Understanding Ethics, Moral Compass and Business Ethics
John Jordan