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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Extended Abstract: The Appalachian Basin, Shale Capital of the World
Lindell C. Bridges
Abstract: Field Safety at Environmental Assessment and Remediation Sites: The Use of Situational Awareness and Operational Discipline in Combating the Normalization of Deviance
Gordon S. Magenheim
Extended Abstract: Expulsion and Migration Associated with Unconventional Petroleum Systems
Barry Katz, Irene Arango, Frederic Frasse
Abstract: Case Study: Application of Multicomponent Induction Tool Inversion to Natural Fracture Characterization in a Resource Play
Sweta Bose, Scott Jacobsen
Abstract: Practical Seismic Petrophysics: The Effective Use of Log Data for Seismic Analysis
Tad Smith
Extended Abstract: The Role of the Western Interior Seaway as a Paleoceanographic Corridor in the Deposition of the Organic-rich Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas
Khalifa Elderbak