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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
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Abstract: Utilizing Applied Geophysics for Rapid Assessment of Subsurface Characteristics and Identification of Areas of Geologic Concern for Engineering Projects
Rusty Branch
Abstract: The Martin County Texas Super Stack: Developing the Sweetest Spot in the Midland Basin
Derek Buster
Abstract: A New Methodology to Determine Well Spacing in Unconventional Reservoirs A Delaware Basin Study
Dicman Alfred
Smart Money: Efficient Investments During Geopolitical Volatility
Matt Mayer
Using Time Lapse Geochemistry (TLG) to Understand Fluid Production Changes: A Case Study from the Delaware Basin
Craig D. Barrie, Catherine M. Donohue, J. Alex Zumberge, John E. Zumberge