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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association

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Acoustic Impedance as a Tool to Identify Reservoir Targets: A Case Study of the NE Betara-11 Horizontal Well, Jabung Block, South Sumatra

Farid Saifuddin, Moektianto Soeryowibowo, I. Nyoman Suta, Budhy Chandra

Application of 3D Seismic Data Interpretation in Depositional Modeling: Selat Asam Field, Central Sumatra

Tiur Aldha

Application of Competency Gap Assessment Tools in Defining Training and Technology Needs

S. K. Kalra, F. E. Tuedor

The Application of Lattice Gas Automata to Study Fluid Flow in Porous Media

Dedy Kristanto, Mariyamni Awang

Application of Reservoir Characterization to Better Handle Reservoir Management Plan for Belida Shallow Gas

Teguh Prasetyo, Sugiharto Danudjaja, Yusty Budiningsih

Application of Reservoir Management Techniques to Improve Recovery from a Mature Waterflood Project in Sumatra

Sami Bou-Mikael, Gerald H. Schmit, Aminin Fanandi

Application of Resin Coated Sand in Tanjung Field Kalimantan

Ari Buhari, Indra Utama, Ivan J. Hartono

Application of Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts and Depositional Models for Reservoir Mapping: An Example from the Upper Cibulakan Formation in the L and LL Fields, Offshore Northwest Java

Miftah Mazied

Australian Geology in Indonesia: New Frontiers and New Discoveries

Nick Hoffman

Borehole Image Log Interpretation: Making the Most of Your Data and Realising the Limits, an Illustration Using Fluvial, Shallow Marine, and Deep Marine Environments

Adriaan Bal, Paul Grech, Ardiek Mahargono, Kenrick van Noord, Jeremy Prosser

Carbonate Reservoir Models: Integrated High Resolution Studies Are the Future

Paul D. Crevello

Challenges and Rewards of Forming a Drilling Alliance in Indonesia - A Case Study

Muslim, Jun Hadisutrisno, Andrew Swale, Gary Gauntt

Challenges and Solutions in Planning and Optimizing a Horizontal Well in South Sumatra, Indonesia

John Wasson, John Pairaudeau, Rahmad Wibowo, Suwardji, Hidayat Abqory, Mike Pearson

Characteristics and Sandbody Geometry of the 34-1 Reservoir, Widuri Field Offshore Southeast Sumatra

E. K. Arief Sukaryadi

Characteristics of the Fractured Carbonate Reservoir of the Oseil Field, Seram Island, Indonesia

Nara Nilandaroe, Wayne Mogg, Rob Barraclough

Characteristics of Velocity-Porosity Relationships in the Baturaja Limestone Reservoir: A Case Study in the South Sumatra Basin

Muhamad Noor Ali

Coalbed Methane Potential of Indonesia: Preliminary Evaluation of a New Natural Gas Source

Scott H. Stevens, Kartono Sani

Comparison of Recent and Mio-Pliocene Deep Water Deposits in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan

P. Sherwood, S. Algar, G. Goffey, I. Busono, J. N. Fowler, J. Francois, M. J. Smith, A. Strong

Contrasting Miocene Fluvio-Deltaic Channel Types from Perjuangan Quarry, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: Implications for Subsurface Reservoir Correlation

James A. Hook, Peter J. Butterworth, Angus Ferguson

Core Orientation from Non-Oriented Core: A Tutorial

D. C. Carter

Dehydration and Booster Compression Upgrade, Arun Field, North Sumatra

Syamsul Bahri, Tania Irani

Depositional Architectures of Recent Deep Water Deposits in the Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan

J. N. Fowler, E. Guritno, P. Sherwood, M. J. Smith

The Development of KBS Modeling to Assist Matrix Acidizing Treatment (A Preliminary Study of the Zelda B-7 Well)

Ardian N.

Development Strategy for a Highly Compartmentalized Reservoir in the Middle Miocene Yakin Sandstone, East Kalimantan

Sena W. Reksalegora, M. J. Hursey, Nuvi Nurdiansyah, Sukerim, Kukuh Trjangganung, Abdoerrias, Danang R. Widjaja

Direct Hydrocarbon Response Technique Application and Opportunity in Barito-Kutai Interbasinal High

Stephen T. Jacobs, Norman D. Meyer

Drilling with Casing - Practical, Cost Effective and Here to Stay

Mike Wardley, Ary Priadi, Ken Dalrymple

Earth Modeling Application for Reservoir Heat Management in Duri Field

Hazairin, Any Linawati, Adi Widyantoro, Muhammad Diri, Rudi Arief, Triatmodjo Setiabudi

Effective Thru-Tubing Gravel Packing Methods in Attaka Field

C. C. Lee, Michael Chad Darby, Timothy R. Popp

Enhancement of Field Development Practices with Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling at Minas Field, Central Sumatra

Gerald H. Schmit, J. P. Logan, A. Rahardja, L. L. Williams

Evaluation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs in Indonesia Using Formation Imaging and Sonic Logs

William H. Borland, Richard E. Netherwood, Sanggam Hutabarat, Dedi Juandi, Leo Anis, Hari Kurniawan, Ramsin Eyvazzadeh

Exploration of the North Madura Platform, Offshore East Java, Indonesia

Rachmat Mudjiono, Gadjah Eko Pireno

Fault-Related Fracture Characterization: A Quantitative Approach in Naturally Fractured Reservoir Characterization

Muhammad Fachri

Fault Seal Integrity in the Timor Sea Area: Prediction of Trap Failure Using Well-Constrained Stress Tensors and Fault Surfaces Interpreted from 3D Seismic

D. A. Castillo, D. J. Bishop, M. de Ruig

Fault Shadow Issues and Resolution in Model and Real Data

Andrew J. Davidoff, Ika Ratna Novianti

Fuzzy Logic, An Alternative Approach in Spatial Modeling to Optimize Horizontal Trajectories in East Ketaling, Jambi

Albert Suwandy, Erlangga Septama

Gas Geochemistry – A Key to Understanding Formation and Alteration Processes

Barry J. Katz

The Great Crocker Submarine Fan: A World Class Foredeep Turbidite System

Paul D. Crevello

Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Merang Triangle, South Sumatra Basin

John Clure, Nunuk Fiptiani

Hydrocarbon Expression on Low-Impedance AVO: A Phenomenon of Amplitude Reversal

W. Waluyo

Hydrocarbon Play Concepts for the Irian Jaya Fold Belt

Richard D. Kendrick, Kevin C. Hill

Improvement in Oil Recovery by Water Driven Miscible CO2 Slug Flooding

Dedy Kristanto, Septoratno Siregar

Innovative Completion Technique for Perforation, Single Trip Placement of the Completion String, and Effective Frac-Packing Long Intervals: Case Study from Natuna Sea, Indonesia

Paul Palthe, Pedro Saldungaray, Robert C. Burton, Eric Davis, Robert Stomp

Integrated Lithofacies Characterization Within Carbonates of the Baturaja Formation, Soka Field, Using Borehole Image Data and Conventional Cores

Rachmi Dwiyanti, Jeremy Prosser, Rosano Sosrohadisewoyo

Integrated Reservoir-Surface Facilities Network Analysis

Wahyu Djatmiko, Maizar Rahman, Erie Soedarmo

An Intelligent Rock Physics Approach for Predicting Permeability Distribution

Bambang Widarsono, Fakhriyadi Saptono, Patrick M. Wong, Suprajitno Munadi

Malacca Strait 3D Seismic Survey – A Comprehensive Approach to Seismic Acquisition in Transition Zones

W. O. Ardjakusumah

Management of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in the Zamrud Field, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia

Arief Yunan, Bambang Haryanto

The Marginal Field: Concepts and Application

Arsegianto, Ludin Tambunan

Marine Multicomponent Seismic – The New Issues in the Developing Revolution

Jason Robinson

Maximizing the Application of Horizon Slice Mapping

Syaiful Basyuni, Mary Welker-Haddock, Robert Park, Dodik Suprapto

MET - A Unique Group Mentoring Program

B. J. Katz, W. Almon, J. Bradburn, C. Cook, E. Hrkel, W. Johns, B. Klock, S. Longacre, A. Prelat, N. Richter, P. Smith, D. Storm, S. Wheeler, D. Wisch

Middle Miocene Submarine Fan as a New Idea of Hydrocarbon Stratigraphic Trap Model in Randublatung Depression Northeast Java Basin

Yohannes P. Koesoemo

Modern Reservoir Management Approach in Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects

Dedy Kristanto, Doddy Abdassah, Septoratno Siregar

A Movable Offshore Gas Production Unit for West Natuna

Joao G. de Oliveira, Yogi Prayogi

Multi-Database Management, an Exspan Case Study


Pase-A Separator Project

Tania Irani, Syamsul Bahri

The Petroleum Potential of West Timor

Tim R. Charlton

Polarization Horn as Key in Identifying Resistivity Contrast at High Angle: An Observation from Six Successful Horizontal Wells, Natuna Sea Block B

Teguh Prasetyo, Bambang S. Murti, Sigit Suryonugroho

Post Mortem Evaluation of Infill Well and Its Implementation for Predicting New Well Location in "IRF Area", Minas Oil Field, Central Sumatra Basin

Ikhwan Refli, Budianto Toha, Widi Hartono

Potential Application of Gas to Liquid (GTL) Technology on Natuna's High CO2 Content Natural Gas Field

A. Hanif, T. Suhartanto, A. P. E. York, M. L. H. Green

Propellant Stimulation Technique Provides Alternate Productivity Enhancement with Cost Reduction Benefits in Development of A Marginal Reservoir at Minas Field

Arsyad A. Siregar, Bambang Poernomo, Doug Finley, D. K. Nath

PSDM Enhances Reef Interpretation in Jatiluhur Block, West Java

Jopie I. Adhidjaja, Andrew J. Davidoff, Ika Ratna Novianti

A Recovery Factor Correlation for a Bottom Water Drive Gas Reservoir

Dwi Pujiastuti, Tutuka Ariadji

Reservoir Architecture of an Incised Valley-Fill from the Nilam Field, Kutai Basin, Indonesia

Peter J. Butterworth, Peter Cook, Heru Dewanto, Martin Drummond, Ulrich Kiesow, Ian T. McMahon, Robert A. Ripple, Amalia Setoputri, F. Hasan Sidi

Reservoir Characterisation of Fluvial, Lacustrine and Deltaic Successions – Applications of Modern and Ancient Geological Analogues

Simon C. Lang, Jochen Kassan, Jim Benson, Carmine Grasso, Tim Hicks, Nick Hall, Claire Avenell

Reservoir Characterisation Through Integrated AVO, AI and EI Inversion

Andy Furniss

Reservoir Characterization Using Three-Dimensional Fault Restoration

Karen S. Hoffman, Derek R. Taylor, John W. Neave

Reservoir Compartmentalization: An Integrated Evaluation of Supermature Minas Oil Field, Central Sumatra

William C. Richmond, Hariadi Dwidjojuwono, Achmad Tastari, Budianto Toha

Reservoir Geomechanics Applied to Drilling and Completion Programmes in Hostile and Complex Environments: North West Shelf, Timor Sea, North Sea and Colombia

David A. Castillo, D. Moos

Reservoir Management of Multiple Gas Fields to Ensure Contract DCQ Delivery

Gary Sykes

Reservoir Simulation to Increase Recovery in Kaji Semoga Field

Ahmad Syaifudin

Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults Along a Major Wrench Trend in the Kakap Area, West Natuna Basin

Mu'adz Chalik

Seismic Interpretation Methodology for Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs in Widuri Field, Offshore Southeast Sumatra, Indonesia

D. C. Carter, W. E. Harmony, L. Harvidya, G. Juniarto, S. Lestari, A. Purba

Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation of a Major 3D, The Gabus Sub-Basin, Blocks B and Tobong, West Natuna Sea, Indonesia: Getting the Geology Back into Seismic

Keith Maynard, Parvita Siregar, Ludy Andria

Slimhole-Tubingless: Cost Effective Well Architecture to Develop Tunu Field, Mahakam Delta Area - East Kalimantan

Fata Yunus, Benoit Ludot

Some Applications of CT-Scanner in Petroleum Engineering

Septi Anggraeni, Indra Jaya, Bambang Widarsono, Hari Hardiman, Pamuji, Alit Gurmilang

Source Rock Evaluation and Crude Oil Characteristics, West Natuna Area, Indonesia

Budi Prasetyo

Stratigraphy and Structural Analysis in the Gunung Bijih (Erstberg) Mining District, Irian Jaya

Firdaus Akhmad

Structural Evolution of the North Bengkalis Trough, Malacca Straits, Central Sumatra Basin and Its Implication in Creating Traps for Hydrocarbon Accumulation

Lauti Dwita Santy

Structural Pattern and Deformation Style in the Central Range of Irian Jaya (West Papua), Indonesia

Benyamin Sapiie

Structure and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Lengguru Fold Belt, Irian Jaya

Edy Sutriyono, Kevin C. Hill

Structure and Hydrocarbons in the Sareba Block, "Bird's Neck", West Papua

Kevin C. Hill, Nick Hoffman, Peter Lunt, Robert Paul

Tertiary Tectonic Compilation in a GIS for Indonesia

James W. Granath, Janice Christ, Derek Fairhead, William Dickson

Thermal Recovery System Using Electromagnetic Stimulation (EMS)

Sabrina Bahar

Trans - Asean Gas Pipeline Network as an Implementation of Regional Cooperation

Agus Kurnia

The Transformation of Poleng Field

Mary Welker-Haddock, Robert Park, Imron Asjhari, John Bradfield, Binh Nguyen

Unlocking the Value of E&P Information

K. M. Landgren

Volume Roaming and Volume Visualization of Large 3D Seismic Datasets

Antony John Marsh