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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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The Measurement of the Shapes of Rock Particles
Allen C. Tester
The Petrography of Some Bottom Samples from the North Pacific Ocean
Stanley A. Tyler
The Heavy Minerals of the Franconia and Mazomanie Sandstones, Wisconsin
Arthur Pentland
Some Petrological and Paleontological Relations in Subsurface Stratigraphy
O. M. B. Bulman
Insoluble Residues of the Hunton and Viola Limestones of Kansas
J. W. Ockerman
Alteration of Comanchean Limestones of South Central Texas
Marcus A. Hanna
The Clay Minerals and Their Identity
Clarence S. Ross, Paul F. Kerr
Sedimentary Petrology in Retrospect and Prospect: EDITORIAL
Henry B. Milner