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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Lithology of the Limestones at Legrand, Iowa
Ralph W. Lawson
Beach Sand at Los Ojos De Agua De San Telmo, Michoacan, Mexico
Fred M. Bullard, Richard A. Mills
The Occurrence and Derivation of an Augite-Rich Beach Sand, Grenada, B.W.I.
H. S. Bennett, P. Martin-Kaye
Pebbles from a Pothole: A Study in Shape and Roundness
Dorothy Carroll
Microfossils as Environment Indicators in Marine Shales
Samuel P. Ellison, Jr.
The Depositional Environment of Red and Green Shales
Ralph E. Grim
The Relationship of the Biotic and Lithic Facies in Recent Gulf Coast Sedimentation
Shepard W. Lowman