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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Origin of the Salina Salt of Michigan

Louis F. Dellwig

Eolian Shape-Sorting

Richard B. Mattox

Composite End Members in Facies Mapping

W. C. Krumbein

Mineralogical-Particle Size Variations in Oriented Clay Aggregates: NOTE

Leonard G. Schultz

Practical Value of Some Microfossils

Hans E. Thalmann

Pennsylvanian Lithologies and their Significance in Northeast Nevada

Robert H. Dott, Jr.

Sedimentary Environments of Coastal Plains and their Continental Shelves

W. Armstrong Price

Triassic Reefs of the Dolomite Alps, Northern Italy

Norman D. Newell

Recent Stromatolitic Sediments from South Florida

Robert N. Ginsburg

Barrier Island Sedimentary Units Along the Gulf Coast

Francis P. Shepard

Grain Orientation in Beach Sands: A Possible Means for Predicting Reservoir Trend

R. H. Nanz

Estimation of Recent Sediment Size Parameters from a Triangular Diagram

William J. Plumley, Donald H. Davis

Composite End Members in Facies Mapping

W. C. Krumbein

Analysis of Sedimentary Facies in Pottsville Strata of Central Appalachian Coal Field

E. C. Dapples, R. M. Mitchum

The Application of a Discriminant Function to a Problem in Petroleum Petrology

John Rathbone Emery

Applications of Colloidal Mechanics in the Interpretation of natural Polydisperse Systems

J. Robert Moore, III

Sedimentary Petrology of the Cretaceous Formations of Northern Delaware in Relation to Paleogeographic Problems

Johan J. Groot

Preliminary Study of Minerals from the East Gulf of Mexico

Nora Gladwin Fairbank

The Stratigraphic and Paleoecological Significance of the SR/CA Ratio in Sediments and Fossils

Karl K. Turekian

Application of Business Machines and Electronic Computers in the Reduction of Bottom Sediment Data

Robert E. Burns,Charles G. Purves

Systems of Sedimentation and their Phases

Paul D. Krynine

Chemical Equilibria Under Restricted Marine Conditions

Robert M. Garrels

Starved Basins

Hugh N. Frenzel

Sedimentary Environment of Iron Formations

Arthur L. Howland, Harold L. James

Spores and Pollen--a New Stratigraphic Tool for the Oil Industry

Raymond D. Woods

Mississippian Plant Spores from the Hardinsburg Formation of Illinois and Kentucky

William S. Hoffmeister, Frank L. Staplin, Raymond E. Malloy

Stratigraphic Distribution of Pennsylvanian Spores

Robert M. Kosanke

The Occurrence of Important Plant Spore Species in European, North American, Chinese, Australian and Brazilian Coal Basins

Gerhard Kremp

Tertiary Spores and Pollen Related to Paleoecology and Stratigraphy of California

W. L. Norem

Morphology and Geology of the Hystrichosphaerida

L. R. Wilson, W. S. Hoffmeister

Micropaleontology of Holothurian Sclerites

Don L. Frizzell, Harriet EXline, (Mrs. Don L. Frizzell)

Recent Sedimentation as a Key to Ancient Deposits

Philip H. Kuenen

Quaternary Sedimentation in the Great Salt Lake Basin

Daniel J. Jones

The Black Sea Basin, its Position in the Alpine Structure, and its Richly Organic Quaternary Sediments

Leonid P. Smirnow

Two Persian Gulf Lagoons

Richard A. Bramkamp, Richard W. Powers

Recent Sedimentation on the Orinoco Shelf

Tjeerd Van Andel

Preludes to the Entrapment of Organic Matter in the Sediments of Lake Maracaibo

Alfred C. Redfield

Offshore California Basins

Kenneth O. Emery

Quaternary Geology of the Gulf of Mexico

Maurice Ewing

Stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Formations in New Jersey

Steven K. Fox, Jr., Richard K. Olsson

Edwards Limestone Fossils as Depth Indicators

Keith Young

Late Cretaceous Cephalopods from Saudi Arabia

W. M. Furnish, A. K. Miller

The Carboniferous Guide Fossil, Tylonautilus, in America

A. K. Miller, W. M. Furnish

Criteria for the Recognition of Species and Subspecies in Upper Triassic Metoposaurid Amphibians

Edwin H. Colbert, John Imbrie

Subsurface Geology of Coke County, Texas

Samuel P. Ellison, Jr.

Endothyroid Zonation in the Mississippian of the Rocky Mountains

Edward J. Zeller

Close Zonation of Upper Cretaceous Globigerinal Sediments by Abundance Ratios of Globotruncana Species Groups

H. V. Dunnington

Endothyroid Foraminiferal Faunas from the Lower Carboniferous of England and Algeria

Doris E. Nodine Zeller

Foraminifera from the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas

Alfred J. Carsola

Ancestors of the Quahog

H. B. Stenzel

Salt Domes Stratigraphy--lower Gulf Coast

Shepard W. Lowman

Foraminifera of the Austin Group in Northeast Texas

Charles L. Mcnulty, Jr.

The Megafauna of the Florena Shale of Southern Kansas

Bruce H. Walker

The Eastern Interior (Illinois) Basin as a Habitat for Oil

Alfred H. Bell, David H. Swann

Oil in the Michigan Basin

George V. Cohee, Kenneth K. Landes

The Emplacement of Oil and Gas in the Appalachian Basin

Herbert P. Woodward

The Los Angeles Basin

William F. Barbat

Oil in the San Joaquin Valley, California

Russell R. Simonson

Geologic Environment of Cuyama Valley Oil Fields, California

Stanley A. Carlson, Mason L. Hill, James B. O'flynn, Irving T. Schwade

The Denver Basin--a Strati-structural Province

Charles J. Mcginnis

Brackish Water and its Structural Implications in the Great Carolina Ridge

H. E. Legrand

Petroleum Occurrence in the Uinta Basin

Lewis F. Wells

Habitat of Oil in the San Juan Basin

Sherman A. Wengerd

The Habitat of oil in the Eastern Gulf Coast

Jules Braunstein

Geology and Hydrocarbons in the Po Valley Basin

Tiziano Rocco, Dante Jaboli

The Relationship of Oil Occurrence to Stratigraphy in the Miocene of Southern Trinidad, B.W.I.

Kenneth W. Barr, Stephen T. Waite, Cedric C. Wilson

Notes on the Tectonics of Southern Mexico

Zoltan De Cserna

Mississippian Stratigraphy and Sedimentation in Wyoming and Southern Montana

John M. Andrichuk

South Blanco Tocito Sand Field

Gail F. Moulton

New Methods of Identifying Sedimentary Environments

Francis P. Shepard

Recent Littoral Foraminifera from the Coast of Southern California

Emil R. Zalesny

Ecologic Requirements and Depositional Environments of Pleistocene Molluscan Faunas from Southern and Baja, California

James W. Valentine

Recent Developments in Anthropology

H. R. Gale

A Comparison of Miocene and Recent Silicoflagellates

Robert H. Mcglasson

The Biologist's Post-war Contributions to the Study of the Foraminifera

Zach M. Arnold

Foraminifera and Fish Scales from the Modelo Formation

Richard L. Pierce