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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Petrography of the Late Tertiary Volcanic Ash Falls in the Central Great Plains
Ada Swineford, John C. Frye, A. Byron Leonard
Microfabrics of Till from Ohio and Pennsylvania
Robert F. Sitler, Carleton A. Chapman
Aragonite Needles Secreted by Algae and Some Sedimentary Implications
Heinz A. Lowenstam
Inverse Graded Bedding in Primary Gypsum of Chemical Deposition
L. Ogniben
Fucoidal Markings in the Swan Peak Formation, Southeastern Idaho
Henry W. Coulter
Phi-millimeter Conversion Table
Harry G. Page
A Theoretical Curve for Statistical Analysis of Sediments
E. Alan Lohse
Student Operator Error in Determination of Roundness, Sphericity, and Grain size
Robert L. Folk
Mounting Technique for Grain Size and Shape Measurement
C. W. H. Hulbe
Terminology of Limestone and Related Rocks: an Interim Report: DISCUSSION
Katharine Mather