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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Evidence of Transgressive-Regressive Cambrian Sandstones Bordering Lake Superior
Egbert G. Driscoll
Geology and Paleontology of Norwegian Sea Bottom Cores
Hans Holtedahl
Small Scale Cross-Lamination in Limestones
John W. Harbaugh
Sediments from Danish Lakes
Kaj Hansen
Density Distribution in Sediments
L. G. M. Baas Becking , D. Moore
Clay Mineral Composition of Some Recent Marine Sediments
Kaoru Oinuma, Kazuo Kobayashi, Toshio Sudo
Playa Deposit in the Bishop's Lodge Member of the Tesuque Formation, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
W. W. Boyer
Insoluble Residue--Magnesium Content Relationship of Carbonate Rocks from the Devonian Cedar Valley Formation
Ramon E. Bisque, John Lemish
Analysis of Interlayer Mixtures of Three Clay Mineral Types by X-ray Diffraction
Edward C. Jonas, Thomas E. Brown
Identification of Carbonate Minerals by Staining Methods
Gerald M. Friedman
A Photomultiplier Photometer for Studying Quartz Grain Orientation
Andrew L. Pierson, III
New Method for Study of Calci-Phosphatic Pellets
Paul Tasch
The Slotted Cone Splitter
F. J. Flanagan, R. C. Kellagher , W. L. Smith
An Inexpensive Sample Splitter: NOTE
Herbert Skolnick
Is Primary Dolomite Favored by High or Low pH?: DISCUSSION
George V. Chilingar
Notes on Diagenetic Dolomitization: ERRATUM
Harold J. Bissell, George V. Chilingar