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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Quantitative Petrographic Study of Paleozoic Carbonate Rocks, Caballo Mountains, New Mexico
Karl W. Stauffer
Petrography of Mississippian (Borden) Crinoidal Limestones at Stobo, Indiana
Albert V. Carozzi, J. G. William Soderman
Stratigraphic Models in Exploration
L. L. Sloss
Insoluble Residues in a Portion of the Ordovician Cynthiana Formation, North-Central Kentucky
Gene C. Carpenter, Ronald G. Schmidt
Observations on Slickolites
Matthew H. Nitecki
A Zircon-Tourmaline-Rutile Maturity Index and the Interdependence of the Composition of Heavy Mineral Assemblages with the Gross Composition and Texture of Sandstones
John F. Hubert
Cyclic Sedimentation of Primary Dolomite and Limestone
Dev. D. Sarin
Trough Cross-bedding
George R. Wulf
Quiet Water Oolites from Laguna Madre, Texas
Tom Freeman
Petrography and Genesis of Recent Sediments in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound, Rhode Island
Robert L. McMaster
Composition and Origin of Glacial Till, Mexico and Kasoag Quadrangles, New York
Russell F. Kaiser
Promotion of Pressure-solution of Silica in Sandstones
J. F. Lerbekmo, R. L. Platt
Quantitative Gasometric Determination of Calcite and Dolomite by Using Chittick Apparatus
Aleksis Dreimanis
Staining and Etching Techniques for Studying Obscure Structures in Clastic Rocks
Wm. Kenneth Hamblin
Stylolites In Volcanic Rocks
H. G. Golding, J. R. Conolly
Petrography and Origin of the Silurian Rochester and McKenzie Shales, Morgan County, West Virginia
Robert L. Folk
Carbonate-rock Fabrics of Three Missourian Stratigraphic Sections in Socorro County, New Mexico
Arthur W. Hambleton
Systematic Fractionation of Sand in the Shallow Marine and Beach Environment Off the South African Coast
Arthur O. Fuller
Removal of Heavy Liquid Separates from Glass Centrifuge Tubes--Additional Suggestions: NOTES
Jerome M. Pollack
Rapid Heavy Mineral Separation: NOTES
Robert J. Barsdate
Ephemeral Water Action Preserved in Closely Dated Deposit: NOTES
Edward McM. Larrabee
A Peel Technique for Unconsolidated Sediments: NOTES
Bruce C. Heezen, G. Leonard Johnson III
The Term Graywacke: DISCUSSION
Earle F. McBride