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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Sediments and Sedimentary Structures of the Astoria Submarine Canyon-Fan System, Northeast Pacific
Paul R. Carlson, C. Hans Nelson
The Effect of Fresh Water on the Redistribution of Uranium in Carbonate Sediments
David S. Haglund , Gerald M. Friedman, Donald S. Miller
Origin of Matrix in Ordovician Greywackes, Berwyn Hills, North Wales
P. J. Brenchley
Antidunes as Trochoidal Waves
Bryce M. Hand
Antidunes in the Mount Toby Conglomerate (Triassic), Massachusetts
Bryce M. Hand , James M. Wessel, Miles O. Hayes
A Grain Size Analysis of Longshore-Bars and Troughs, Lake Superior, Ontario
John S. Mothersill
Cyclic Geosynclinal Sedimentation: A Petrographic Evaluation
Frederic L. Schwab
Shelf Sedimentation: An Example from the Jurassic of Britain
David K. Davies
A Non-Destructive Core Analysis Technique Using X-Rays
Seymour R. Baker, Gerald M. Friedman
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Heavy Minerals
W. A. Pryor, N. C. Hester
Organic Carbon in Sediments of Japan Sea
Hiroshi Niino, K. O. Emery, Chul Min Kim
Genesis of Oolite and Pisolite Grains: An Energy Index
Jack Donahue
Iron-Rich Layers in Sediments from the Gulf of Mexico
Jerry A. Watson, Ernest E. Angino
The Petrology of a Glauconitic Sandy Chalk
R. J. Bailey, M.P. Atherton
Destruction of Plagioclase Twins by Stream Transport
Edward D. Pittman
Nature, Origin, and Significance of Cone-in-cone Structures in the Kiowa Formation (Early Cretaceous), North-Central Kansas
Paul C. Franks
Petrology of Upper Precambrian and Paleozoic Sandstones in the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica
Paul L. Williams
Algal Stromatolites in the James Reef Complex (Lower Cretaceous), Fairway Field, Texas
C. W. Achauer, J. Harlan Johnson
Determination of n in Weight Frequency Data
Thomas A. Jones
Gamma-Ray Spectrometry as a Tool for a Rapid Investigation of Detritic Cores
Lydie Chenouard, Claude Lalou
Petrology of Gartra Formation (Triassic), Uinta Mountain Area, Utah and Colorado
C. D. McCormick, M. Dane Picard
Preliminary Evaluation of a Core Scintillation Counter for Bulk Density Measurement in Marine Sediment Cores
Chester Brier , Robert Bennin , Peter A. Rona (5)
Geological and Mineralogical Studies of Some Sand Deposits in the Nile Delta, U.A.R.
M. M. Kholief, E. Hilmy, A. Shahat
Supratidal Carbonate Rocks in the Black River (Middle Ordovician) Group of Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Kalyan Kumar Mukherji
Microstructure of Unconsolidated and Consolidated Marine Sediments
Frederick A. Bowles, William R. Bryant, Charles Wallin
Heavy Minerals and Size Analysis of the Citronelle Formation of the Gulf Coastal Plain
Norman C. Rosen
Tectonics and Sedimentation in a Precambrian Shallow Epicontinental Basin
B. K. Chatterjee, A. K. Bhattacharya
Eolian Microridges on Modern Beaches and a Possible Ancient Example
Ralph E. Hunter
Stability of Calcium Carbonate Polymorphs in Warm, Shallow Seawater
H. Dale Winland
Surinam and the African Continent: A Clay-mineralogical Study of Sea Water Solids: NOTES
F. A. van Baren, H. J. Von M. Harmse
Clay Mineral Composition of the Tipton Shale Member of the Green River Formation (Eocene) of Wyoming: NOTES
Ronald Tank
Authigenic Mineral Growths as Revealed by the Scanning Electron Microscope: NOTES
Roger L. Borst, Robert Q. Gregg
Grain Size-Frequency Distributions from Thin-Section Data: NOTES
N. H. Gray
The Study of Mineral-grain Surfaces by Interference Microscopy: NOTES
Detlef A. Warnke, Ralph Gram
"Salt-Biscuits"--A Special Growth Structure of Nacl in Salt Sediments of the Tuz Golu ("Salt Lake"), Turkey: NOTES
German Muller, Georg Irion
A Surface Replica Technique for the Examination of Quartz Sand Grains in the Electron Microscope: NOTES
M. R. Hornby, W. B. Scott
Nitrobenzene-tetrabromoethane Solutions for the Gravity Separation of Minerals: NOTES
W. A. Mclaughlin, D. C. Berkshire
Iron-bearing Heavy Minerals in the Sespe Formation (California): NOTES
Ronald C. Flemal
A Hydraulic Corer for Use in Water Saturated Sediment: NOTES
John A. Gifford
Skewness and Kurtosis as Criteria of Normality in Observed Frequency Distributions: NOTES
Thomas A. Jones
Granulometer--A Sediment Analyzer Directly Writing Grain Size Distribution Curves: NOTES
Jiri Brezina
Origin of Quartz Silt: NOTES
Ph. H. Kuenen
Salinities of Interstitial Waters from Selected Sediments in the Gulf of Mexico: NOTES
Paul J. Cernock, William R. Bryant
Calclithite Fragments Versus Extracts: DISCUSSION
S. K. Chanda
Settling Convection and Grain Size Analysis: DISCUSSION
David J. A. Williams