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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Introduction to the Symposium Papers on Environmental Aspects of Clay Minerals

Charles J. Mankin

Environmental Aspects of Clay Minerals

W. D. Keller

Clay Minerals in Arctic Ocean Sea-Floor Sediments

Dorothy Carroll (2,3)

Flint Clay in the Coal-barren Triassic of the Sydney Basin, Australia

F. C. Loughnan

Mineralogy and Stratigraphy of Lower Tertiary Clays and Claystones of Alabama

William R. Reynolds

Clay Mineral Diagenesis in Atoka (Pennsylvanian) Sandstones, Crawford County, Arkansas

D. M. Triplehorn

Diabase Argillation at King Mountain, Kiowa County, Oklahoma

Clayton R. Nichols

The Lateral Distribution of Clay Minerals in Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas, Louisiana

Robert A. Brooks, Ray E. Ferrell, Jr.

Clay Mineral Investigations of Cretaceous and Quaternary Deep Sea Sediments of the North American Basin

Marian B. Jacobs

Turbid Bottom Water on the Continental Shelf of the Northern Bering Sea

Dean A. McManus, C. Stephen Smyth

Mineralogy, Provenance, and Dispersal History of Late Quarternary Deep-Sea Sands in Cascadia Basin and Blanco Fracture Zone off Oregon

John R. Duncan , L. D. Kulm

Concave-Up Pelecypod (Psephidia) Shells in Shallow Marine Sand, Elk River Beds, Southwestern Oregon

H. Edward Clifton, Sam Boggs, Jr.

Selective Bivalve Shell Destruction in Marine Environments, A Field Study

Egbert G. Driscoll

Source and Dispersion of Surface Sediments in the Gulf of Maine--Georges Bank Area

David A. Ross

Measurements Of Compaction in Oolitic Grainstone

Alan H. Coogan

Chemical Changes in Interstitial Waters from Sediments of Lagoonal, Deltaic, River, Estuarine, and Salt Water Marsh and Cove Environments

Gerald M. Friedman, Eliezer Gavish

Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Apatite Co2 and Co-Existing Calcite from Sedimentary Phosphorite

Yehoshua Kolodny , I. R. Kaplan

Pore Fluids of Recent Marine Sediments: I., Oxidizing Sediments of 20° N, Continental Rise to Mid-atlantic Ridge

James L. Bischoff, Teh-lung Ku

Tidal Origin of a Precambrian Quartzite--the Lower Fine-Grained Quartzite (Middle Dalradian) of Islay, Scotland

George Devries Klein

Petrology, Stratigraphy, and Re-Definition of the Kirkwood Formation (Miocene) of New Jersey

Wayne C. Isphording

A Study of Tectonic Influence on Triassic Sedimentation--The Wadesboro Basin, Central Piedmont

Anthony. F. Randazzo, Win Swe, Walter H. Wheeler

Use of Textural Parameters in Evaluating the Genesis of the Berne Conglomerate (Mississippian) in Central Ohio

Kennard B. Bork

Influence of Texture Upon the Response of Detrital Quartz to Deformation of Sandstones

Robert C. Whisonant

Repeatability of Three Instruments Used to Determine the Undrained Shear Strength of Extremely Weak, Saturated, Cohesive Sediments

Joseph H. Kravitz

Mass Property Variability in Three Closely Spaced Deep-sea Sediment Cores

Richard H. Bennett, George H. Keller, Roswell F. Busby

Tadpole Holes Formed During Desiccation of Overbank Pools: NOTES

Trevor D. Ford, William J. Breed

Acid Treatment of Organic Materials and the Removal of Calcium Carbonate: NOTES

Dirk Frankenberg, Robert T. Giles

An Instrument for Measuring Pretectonic Current-directions: NOTES

Hakuyu Okada , Masafumi Arita

An Inexpensive Student Sample Splitter: NOTES

Geoffrey B. Newton, Russell R. Dutcher

Automatic Sample Changer for Norelco Vertical X-ray Diffractometer: NOTES

C. E. Payton, W. C. Patterson, G L. Brown

An Improved Co_Ordinate System for Particle Shape Representation: NOTES

Burn Hockey

Runzelmarken (Wrinkle Marks): NOTES

Curt Teichert

"Armored Snowballs" and the Introduction of Coarse Terrigenous Material into Sea-ice: NOTES

Laing Ferguson