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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Depositional and Dispersal Dynamics of Intertidal Sand Bars

George deVries Klein

The Periodic Cycle of Particulate Matter in a Shallow, Temperate Estuary

Franz E. Anderson

Mineral and Chemical Composition of Sediments from the Straits Of Florida

John D Gassaway (2, 3)

A Geochemical Trend in Silicon-Aluminum-Iron Ratios and the Classification of Clastic Sediments

Bruce R. Moore, William H. Dennen

Use of Pore Casts and Scanning Electron Microscope to Study Pore Geometry

Edward D. Pittman, Robert W. Duschatko

Errors in X-ray Analysis of Carbonates Due to Solid-solution Variation in Composition of Component Minerals

Donald D. Runnells

Shape Development On Tahiti-Nui

James E. Dobkins, Jr. , Robert L. Folk

Comparison of the Descriptors of Sediment Grain-size Distributions

Thomas A. Jones

Chamosite Ooliths from the Winter Gill Ironstone (Jurassic) of Yorkshire, England

R. W. O'B. Knox

Petrology, Provenance and Silica Diagenesis of the Penrith Sandstone (Lower Permian) of Northwest England

Brian Waugh

Chert "Dike" Structures in Senonian Chert Beds, Southern Negev, Israel

Gideon Steinitz

Mode of Occurrence of Pelites in the Kythrea Flysch Basin (Cyprus)

Yehezkiel Weiler

Labile Quartz-poor Sediments from Young Mountain Ranges in Northeast Papua

Bryan P. Ruxton

Tidal-flat Deposition and Early Dolomitization in Upper Ordovician Rocks of Southern Appalachian Valley and Ridge

Allan M. Thompson

Zonal Arrangement of the Triassic Rocks of the Western Carpathians: A Contribution to the Dolomite Problem

Jan Veizer

Sedimentary Cycles and Environment of Deposition of the Barakar Coal Measures of Lower Gondwana, India

S. M. Casshyap

An Unhurried Look at a Lower Ordovician Mound Horizon, Southern Franklin Mountains, West Texas

Donald Francis Toomey

Hierarchical Analysis of Variance of Shelf Sediment Texture: NOTES

James C. Kelley, Dean A. McManus

Bed-load Movement Experiments: Dry Creek, California: NOTES

E. A. Keller

Scanning Electron Microscopic Examination of Periglacial Eolian Sands from Long Island, New York: NOTES

David Krinsley, Lillian Cavallero

Identification of Organic Matter in Thin Section By Staining and a Study Programme for Carbonate Rocks: NOTES

M. H. Smith

Note on a Mode of Piston Core Disturbance: NOTES

Y. Igarashi, J. B. Ridlon, J. R. Campbell, R. L. Allman

Rock Texture: An Important Factor For Clast Shape Studies: NOTES

Lon D. Drake

Carbonate Mud: Production by Epibiont Growth on Thalassia Testudinum: NOTES

Lynton S. Land

Apatite Petrifactions in Pennsylvanian Shales of Illinois: NOTES

Harold J. Gluskoter, Louis H. Pierard, Hermann W. Pfefferkorn

Origin of Quartz Silt: Comments on a Note by Ph. H. Kuenen: DISCUSSIONS

C. Vita-Finzi, I. J. Smalley

Discussion of "Preliminary Evaluation of a Core Scintillation Counter for Bulk Density Measurement in Marine Sediment Cores"

Vincent C. Rose, James R. Roney

"Preliminary Evaluation of a Core Scintillation Counter for Bulk Density Measurement in Marine Sediment Cores,": REPLY

Chester Brier, Robert Bennin, Peter A. Rona