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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Representation of Bed Configurations in Depth-Velocity-Size Diagrams

John B. Southard

Features of Coarse-Grained, High-Concentration Fluids and Their Deposits

Richard V. Fisher

Geosynclinal Compositions and the New Global Tectonics

Frederic L. Schwab

Subaerial Leaching in the Limestones of the Bowan Park Group (Ordovician) of Central Western New South Wales

Vic Semeniuk

Chemical Weathering in a Subtropical Igneous Terrain, Rio Ameca, Mexico

James I. Drever

Diagenesis and Dolomitization of Swope Formation (Upper Pennsylvanian) Southeast Kansas

John H. Mossler

Clay-Mineral Diagenesis Within Interlaminated Shales and Sandstones

David P. Bucke, Jr. , Charles J. Mankin

Early Diagenesis of Clay Minerals, Rio Ameca Basin, Mexico

James I. Drever

Clay Mineralogy of the Old Red Sandstone (Devonian) of Scotland

M. J. Wilson

Pore Fluids of Recent Marine Sediments: II., Anoxic Sediments of 35° to 45°N Gibraltar to Mid-Atlantic Ridge

James L. Bischoff, Teh-Lung Ku

Electron Microprobe Studies of Magnesium Distribution in Carbonate Cements and Recrystallized Skeletal Grainstones from the Pleistocene of Barbados, West Indies

L. V. Benson, R. K. Matthews

Size Modes in Biogenic Carbonate Sediment, Southeastern Alaska

Charles M. Hoskin , Richard V. Nelson, Jr.

Early Diagenetic Polyframboidal Pyrite, Primary and Redeposited, from the Wenlockian Denbigh Grit Group, Conway, North Wales, U.K.

Leonard G. Love

Length-slow Chalcedony: A New Testament for Vanished Evaporites

Robert L. Folk, J. Stuart Pittman

Internal Structures in Eolianites and Paleowinds, Mediterranean Coast, Israel

D. H. Yaalon, Jonathan Laronne

Trace Fossils from the Casper Sandstone (Permian) Southern Laramie Basin, Wyoming and Colorado

John H. Hanley, James R. Steidtmann, Heinrich Toots

Short Distance Fluvial Rounding of Volcanic Detritus

T. H. Pearce

Thunder Bay: An Example of a Silled Fresh-Water Bay

John S. Mothersill

Experiments on Longshore Transport and Sorting of Pebbles: Chesil Beach, England

A. P. Carr

Origin of Shell Beaches, Padre Island, Texas

Richard L. Watson

Sediment Sources and Dispersal Patterns of Oregon Continental Shelf Sands

K. F. Scheidegger, L. D. Kulm, E. J. Runge

Suspended Sediment Increase Due to Hurricane Gerda in Continental Shelf Waters Off Cape Lookout, North Carolina

Kelvin S. Rodolfo, Barbara A. Buss, Orrin H. Pilkey

Relationships Between Bottom Topography and Marine Sediment Properties in an Area of Submarine Gullies

A. L. Inderbitzen, F. Simpson

Diagenetic Significance of Color Boundary Between Juniata and Bald Eagle Formations, Pennsylvania: NOTES

Daniel H. Horowitz

Desert Glaze: NOTES

E. P. Fisk

A Pebble Measurer for Laboratory Use, Giving a Punched Tape Output: NOTES

P. J. Hardcastle

Axial Ratios of Plane Sections through Tri-axial Ellipsoids: NOTES

N. H. Gray

Choice of Voltage and Film in Radiography of Thin Rock Slabs: NOTES

Jitendra K. Bhargava

Peel Preparation Box: NOTES

Barry Cameron

Errors in the Use and Presentation of an Empirical Formula for the Settling Velocity of Spheres: DISCUSSION

N. C. Janke

Errors in the Use and Presentation of an Empirical Formula for the Settling Velocity of Spheres: REPLY

Ronald J. Gibbs, Martin D. Matthews, David A. Link

Tidal Origin of a Precambrian Quartzite--the Lower Fine-Grained Quartzite (Middle Dalradian) of Islay, Scotland: DISCUSSION

I. N. McCave

Tidal Origin of a Precambrian Quartzite--the Lower Fine-Grained Quartzite (Middle Dalradian) of Islay, Scotland: REPLY

George De Vries Klein

Comparison of the Descriptors of Sediment Grain-Size Distributions: DISCUSSION

Basanta K. Sahu

Comparison of the Descriptors of Sediment Grain-Size Distributions: REPLY

Thomas A. Jones

Relationship of Flute-Cast Morphology to Internal Sedimentary Structures in Turbidites: DISCUSSION

J. R. L. Allen

Relationship of Flute-Cast Morphology to Internal Sedimentary Structures in Turbidites: REPLY

John W. Pett , Roger G. Walker

Precise Sediment Density Determination by Gamma-Ray Attenuation Alone: ERRATUM

Robert B. Whitmarsh

Geologic Significance of Microboring Fungi and Algae in Carolina Shelf Sediments: ERRATUM

Ronald D. Perkins, Susan. D. Halsey

Depositional Structures and Processes in the Non-Barred High-Energy Nearshore: ERRATUM

H. E. Clifton, R. E. Hunter, R. L. Philips