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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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The Role of Subaqueous Debris Flow in Generating Turbidity Currents
Monty A. Hampton
Chemical Composition of Interstitial Waters from Marine Sediments, Baffin Bay
Syed A. Ali, Gerald M. Friedman, Abraham J. Amiel
Electron Microprobe Analyses of Magnesium and Iron Distribution in Carbonate Cements and Recrystallized Sediment Grains from Ancient Carbonate Rocks
L. V. Benson, C. W. Achauer, R. K. Matthews
Length-Slow Chalcedony and Relicts of Sulphates--Evidences of Evaporitic Environments in the Upper Carboniferous and Permian Beds of Bear Island, Svalbard
Anna Siedlecka
Holocene and Pleistocene Calcareous Crust (Caliche) Profiles: Criteria for Subaerial Exposure
Noel P. James
Worm and Algal-Built Columnar Stromatolites in the Persian Gulf
Eugene A. Shinn
Incipient Metamorphic Fabrics in Some Mud-Supported Carbonate Rocks
Philip R. Brown
Ribbed Grooves and Tracks in Mud Tidal Flats of Cold Regions
Jean-Claude Dionne
Bimodal Composition and Cyclic Characteristics of Beach Sediment in Continuously Changing Profiles
Choule J. Sonu
Sediment Transport of Estuary Entrance Shoals and the Formation of Swash Platforms
George F. Oertel
"Glacial" Micro-textures on Quartz and Heavy Mineral Sand Grains from the Littoral Environment
Loren William Setlow , Raymond P. Karpovich
Development of Soil on the Lunar Surface
John F. Lindsay
Paleo-climatic Events Indicated by Mineralogical Changes in Deep-sea Sediments
Marian B. Jacobs, James D. Hays
Embayed Quartz Grains in Soils and Their Significance
William J. Cleary, John R. Conolly
Initial Fluviatile Fragmentation of Granitic Quartz
A. J. Moss
Fossil Contourites in Lower Niesenflysch, Switzerland
Arnold H. Bouma
Flysch Pebble Conglomerate of the Cap-des-rosiers Formation (Ordovician), Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec
K. R. Aalto
Ice-Cemented Sand Blocks in the Pilcher Quartzite, Western Montana
H. A. Illich , F. W. Hall , D. Alt
Depositional Environments of the Rochester Formation (Middle Silurian) in Southern Ontario
B. Thusu
Deformation Structures in Siltstone Resulting from the Migration of an Upper Devonian Aeolian Dune
Brian G. Jones
Heavy Minerals in Precambrian Quartzite of the Lesser Himalaya, Garhwal, India
A. K. Jain
The Description and Measurement of Sedimentary Particles and the Concept of Form
W. Brian Whalley
Sandstone Imbrication Study in Planar Sections: Dispersion, Biasses, and Measuring Methods
G. S. Gibbons
Experimental Error in Pebble Roundness Determination by the Modified Wentworth Method
Robert L. Folk
A New Method for Determining Sphericity
Candelario Perez-Rosales
An Estimate of Sediment Sieving Time from Computer Simulation
David Poche
A Simple Apparatus for the Rapid and Accurate Determination of Bulk Densities or Volumes of Rock or Mineral Fragments
Charles V. Clemency
A Rapid Method for Size Analysis of Coarse Sediments
Martin H. Iriondo
The Electro-Osmotic Guillotine, a New Device for Core Cutting
Michael Sturm, Albert Matter
Map Pattern Reconstruction from Sample Data: Mississippi Delta Region of Southeast Louisiana: ERRATUM
R. B. McCammon