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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Comparative Anatomy of a Posttsville Lithic Arenite and Quartz Arenite of the Pocahontas Basin, Southern West Virginia: Petrogenetic, Depositional, and Stratigraphic Implications
David W. Houseknecht
Hybrid Arenites: Their Composition and Classification
Gian Gaspare Zuffa
Use of Classification Procedures and Discriminant Analysis in Differentiating Tertiary Coarse Clastics in the Alabama Coastal Plain
Wayne C. Isphording, George C. Flowers
Petrology and Diagenesis of Sandstones in the Post Oak Formation (Permian) Southwestern Oklahoma
Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Richard E. Hanson, R. Nowell Donovan, John W. Shelton
Detrital Mode Evolution of the Rifted Continental-Margin Longobucco Sequence (Jurassic), Calabrian Arc, Italy
Gian Gaspare Zuffa, Wilma Gaudio, Silvana Rovito
A Vertical Pattern of Variation in the St. Peter Sandstone--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis
James M. Mazzullo, Robert Ehrlich
Rounding of Ore Particles from the Witwatersrand Gold and Uranium Deposit (South Africa) as an Indicator of their Detrital Origin
T. Utter
Organic Matter in Appalachian Devonian Black Shale: I. Comparison of Techniques to Measure Organic Carbon, II. Short Range Organic Carbon Content Variations
J. S. Leventhal, V. E. Shaw
Recognition of Hardgrounds and Emersion Surfaces: A New Criterion
Soumen Sarkar, Ajit Bhattacharyya, S. K. Chanda
Cambrian Carbonate Platform Margin Facies, Shady Dolomite, Southwestern Virginia, U.S.A.
R. W. Pfeil , J. F. Read
Nodular Carbonate Sediment on Bahamian Slopes: Possible Precursors to Nodular Limestones
Henry T. Mullins, A. Conrad Neumann, R. Jude Wilber, Mark R. Boardman
Glauconite Shrinkage and Limestone Cementation
Maurits Lindstrom
Stratification, Bedforms, and Discharge Relations of the Platte Braided River System, Nebraska
Robert H. Blodgett, K. O. Stanley
Comparison of Bed Form Variance Spectra Within a Meander Bend During Flood and Average Discharge
Raymond A. Levey, Bjorn Kjerfve, Rufus T. Getzen
Sedimentation in Anastomosed River Systems: Examples from Alluvial Valley Near Bannf, Alberta
Derald G. Smith, Norman D. Smith
Effectiveness of Discriminating Beach, Dune, and River Sands by Moments and the Cumulative Weight Percentages
R. W. Tucker , H. L. Vacher
Oscillation Sand Ripples Generated by Laboratory Apparatus
Martin C. Miller , Paul D. Komar
A Field Investigation of the Relationship Between Oscillation Ripple Spacing and the Near-Bottom Water Orbital Motions
Martin C. Miller , Paul D. Komar
Possible Quartz Synthesis During Weathering of Quartz-free Mafic Rock, Jasper County, Georgia
Gene D. Robinson, Jr.
Size Distribution of Chemically Extracted Quartz Used to Characterize Fine-grained Sediments
J. Paul Dauphin
Dissolution and Analysis of Amorphous Silica in Marine Sediments
Donald W. Eggimann, Frank T. Manheim, Peter R. Betzer
The Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel of the Labrador Sea: III. Head Spill Vs. Body Spill Deposits from Turbidity Currents on Natural Levees
S. K. Chough , R. Hesse
Wilmington Fan: Mid-Atlantic Lower Rise Development
Mark W. Ayers, William J. Cleary
Distribution and Origin of Magnetite Spherules in Air, Waters, and Sediments of the Greater New York City Area and the North Atlantic Ocean
John H. Puffer, Emily W. B. Russell, Michael R. Rampino
Beach Salcrete and Eolian Sand Transport: Evidence from North Queensland
Kenneth Pye
Quasi-Planar Adhesion Stratification--An Eolian Structure Formed in Wet Sand
Ralph E. Hunter
Estuarine Circulation: Controlling Factor of Clay Mineral Distribution in James River Estuary, Virginia
Jean-Pierre Feuillet, Peter Fleischer
Saline Lake Charophytes and Their Geological Significance
R. V. Burne, J. Bauld, P. De Deckker
Origin of Oolitic Ironstones: DISCUSSION
Martin J. Bradshaw, Stephen J. James, Peter Turner
Origin of Oolitic Iron Formations: REPLY
Michael M. Kimberley
Petrography of Subduction Zone Sandstones: DISCUSSION
Michael A. Velbel
Sepm Research Group State-of-the-art Summaries
Charles T. Siemers
Stuart J. Birnbaum, Mark W. Presley
Organic Geochemistry
Keith A. Kvenvolden
Carbonate Geology
William J. Meyers
Diatom Biostratigraphy
Andrew M. Gombos, JR., with contributions by Lloyd Burckle, John Barron, Howard Harper, Laurent Labeyrie, William Abbott
H. Allen Curran