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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Uniformitarianism and Sedimentology: EDITORIAL
James H. Shea
Geochemistry, Hydrology, and Mineralogy of the Sand Bulge Area, Laguna Madre Flats, South Texas
Michael Amdurer , Lynton S. Land
Shelf to Basin, Temperate Skeletal Carbonate Sediments, Three Kings Plateau, New Zealand
Campbell S. Nelson, Graeme E. Hancock, Peter J. J. Kamp
Acoustic and Related Properties of Calcareous Deep-Sea Sediments
Edwin L. Hamilton, Richard T. Bachman, Wolfgang H. Berger, Thomas C. Johnson, Larry A. Mayer
Deep-Sea Bottom-Currents Differentiated from Texture of Underlying Sediment
Christopher R. Blaeser, Michael T. Ledbetter
Experimental Study of Cross-Strata Development on an Undulatory Surface and Implications Relative to the Origin of Flaser and Wavy Bedding
Krzysztof W. Pasierbiewicz
Multigroup Discrimination of River, Beach, and Dune Sands Using Roundness Statistics
Basanta K. Sahu
Intertidal Sedimentary Structures on Macrotidal Beaches
Nathan Hawley
Composition and Longshore Dispersal of Sands from the Po and Adige Rivers Since the Pre-Etruscan Age
G. Gandolfi, A. Mordenti, L. Paganelli
Contribution of Salinas River Sand to the Beaches of Monterey Bay, California, During the 1978 Flood Period: Fourier Grain-Shape Analysis
Ross A. Clark , Robert H. Osborne
Internal Structure and Surface Geometry of Longitudinal (Seif) Dunes
Haim Tsoar
Petrology of Quaternary Fluvial Low-Magnesian Calcite Coated Grains from Central Texas
Kirk R. Geno , Henry S. Chafetz
Ooid Cortices Composed of Neomorphic Pseudospar: Possible Evidence for Ancient Originally Aragonitic Ooids
Mark Rich
Origin of Ferriferous Ooids: An Sem Study of Ironstone Ooids and Bauxite Pisoids
Deba P. Bhattacharyya , Paula K. Kakimoto
Siderite Concretions: Indicators of Early Diagenesis in the Gammon Shale (Cretaceous)
Donald L. Gautier
Dolomite from Clay in Argillaceous or Shale-Associated Marine Carbonates
Timothy R. McHargue , Rex C. Price
Using Biogenic Structures to Interpret Sharp Lithologic Boundaries: An Example from the Lower Devonian of New York
Molly Fritz Miller, Judith Rehmer
Inferred Paleosalinity and Phosphate Content of Carbonate Rocks from a Cyclic Evaporite-Carbonate Rock Sequence
Der-Duen Sheu , Burke Burkart
Log-Linear Models, Markov Chains and Cyclic Sedimentation
Timothy R. Carr
Improved Methodology for Using Embedded Markov Chains to Describe Cyclical Sediments
Dennis W. Powers, Robert G. Easterling
Alluvial to Marine Facies Transition in the Antler Overlap Sequence, Pennsylvanian and Permian of North-Central Nevada
Arthur H. Saller , William R. Dickinson
Storm-Surge-Ebb Origin of Hummocky Cross-Stratified Units of the Andrews Mountain Member, Campito Formation (Lower Cambrian), White-Inyo Mountains, Eastern California
Jeffrey F. Mount
Wave-Dominated Deltaic Sedimentation in the Devonian Bokkeveld Basin of South Africa
Anthony J. Tankard, John H. Barwis
The Haslam Formation: A Late Santonian-Early Campanian Forearc Basin Deposit in the Insular Belt of Southwestern British Columbia and Adjacent Washington
Peter Ward, K. O. Stanley
Sem Observations on Some Sand Fulgurites from Northern Australia
Kenneth Pye
Alteration Products of Glauconite in Burgan Oil Field, Kuwait
M. A. El-Sharkawi, S. A. Al-Awadi
Strontium Isotopes of Tertiary Phillipsites from the Southern Pacific: Timing of the Geochemical Evolution
Norbert Clauer
Phi and Sediment Size Analysis: DISCUSSION
Dean A. Mcmanus
Holocene Transgression in South-Central Long Island, New York: DISCUSSION
Donald J. P. Swift, Thomas F. Moslow
Holocene Transgression in South-Central Long Island, New York: REPLY
Michael R. Rampino, John E. Sanders
Applicability of the Gibbs Equation: DISCUSSION
Rudy Slingerland
Support of the Gibbs Formulae: REPLY
Paul D. Komar