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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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1982 SEPM Presidential Address: Episodic Sedimentation--How Normal Is Average? How Rare Is Rare? Does It Matter?

Robert H. Dott, Jr.

Shelf, Paralic, and Fluvial Environments and Eustatic Sea-Level Fluctuations in the Origin of the Tuscarora Formation (Lower Silurian) of Central Pennsylvania

Edward Cotter

Diagenesis and Geochemistry of the Visingso Group (Upper Proterozoic), Southern Sweden: A Clue to the Origin of Color Differentiation

Sadoon Morad

Depositional Setting of the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation, Southwest Colorado

Noel Tyler , Frank G. Ethridge

Sediment Dispersal Patterns in Part of a Deformed Mesozoic Back-Arc Basin on South Georgia, South Atlantic

D. I. M. Macdonald , P. W. G. Tanner

Grain-Shape Variation in the St. Peter Sandstone: A Record of Eolian and Fluvial Sedimentation of an Early Paleozoic Cratonic Sheet Sand

James M. Mazzullo, Robert Ehrlich

New Scents on The Chattermark Trail: Weathering Enhances Obscure Microfractures

Elizabeth Decker Orr, Robert L. Folk

Giant Armored Mud Boulder from the 1982 Mount St. Helens Mudflows

William J. Fritz, Sylvia Harrison

Ice-formed Intertidal Boulder Pavements In The Sub-Antarctic

James D. Hansom

Relationships among Vertical Accretion, Coastal Submergence, and Erosion in a Louisiana Gulf Coast Marsh

R. D. DeLaune, R. H. Baumann, J. G. Gosselink

A Preliminary Investigation of the Rhone River Plume in Eastern Lake Geneva

J. Dominik, D. Burrus, J.-P. Vernet

Authigenic Vivianite in Potomac River Sediments: Control by Ferric Oxy-Hydroxides

P. P. Hearn, D. L. Parkhurst, E. Callender

Variations of Sediment Texture on the Amazon Continental Shelf

Charles A. Nittrouer, Mouhab T. Sharara, David J. DeMaster

Formation and Infilling of Pits in Marine Ooid Surfaces

Susan J. Gaffey

Major, Through-going Stylolites in the Lower Ordovician Goodwin Limestone, Southern Nevada: Petrography with Dating from Paleomagnetism

Stephen L. Gillett

A Probable Cave Breccia in Middle Cambrian Limestone, Southern Nevada: Petrography and Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Time of Formation

Stephen L. Gillett

Quantitative Studies of Compaction in Mississippian Skeletal Limestones, New Mexico

William J. Meyers, Bruce E. Hill

Carbonate Sedimentation And Diagenesis Associated With Mg-Ca-Chloride Brines: The Permian San Andres Formation in the Texas Panhandle

Amos Bein , Lynton S. Land

Tidal-flat to Shallow-shelf Deposits in the Cap Mountain Limestone Member of the Riley Formation, Upper Cambrian of Central Texas

David T. King, Jr., Henry S. Chafetz

Platform-to-basin Facies Evolution: The Carbonates of Late Proterozoic (Vendian) Gourma (West Africa)

J. Bertrand-Sarfati, A. Moussine-Pouchkine

Petrology and Regional Significance of a Devonian Carbonate/Evaporite Complex, Eastern Michigan Basin

J. A. Fagerstrom

Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes--Comments on the Paper of Wagner and Matthews, the Discussion of Moore and Brock, and the Reply of Wagner and Matthews: DISCUSSION

Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping

Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes: ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION

Calvin A. Chimene

Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes: REPLY

P. D. Wagner, R. K. Matthews

Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes: REPLY

P. D. Wagner, R. K. Matthews

Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes: REPLY

Clyde H. Moore, Frank C. Brock, Jr.

Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes: REPLY

Clyde H. Moore, Frank C. Brock, Jr.

The Deposits, Internal Structure and Geometry in Six Alluvial Fan-Fan Delta Bodies (Devonian, Norway)--A Study in the Significance of Bedding Sequence in Conglomerates: DISCUSSION

Albert W. Shultz

The Deposits, Internal Structure and Geometry in Six Alluvial Fan-Fan Delta Bodies (Devonian, Norway)--A Study in the Significance of Bedding Sequence in Conglomerates: REPLY

Tor G. Gloppen , Ron Steel