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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Discrimination between Subtidal and Intertidal Facies in Pleistocene Deposits, Willapa Bay, Washington

H. Edward Clifton

Oceanography and Patterns of Shelf Sediments Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Jack Morelock, Kurt Grove, M. L. Hernandez

Organic Carbon and Sulfur in the Sediments of the Virginia Chesapeake Bay

Carl H. Hobbs, III

Control of Clay-Mineral Stratigraphy by Selective Transport in Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sediments of Northern Cascadia Basin--Juan De Fuca Abyssal Plain: Implications for Studies of Clay-Mineral Provenance

Bobb Carson, Nicholas P. Arcaro

Sediment-Filled Reed Stems as Contributors to Marsh Sediment Fabrics

J. Mcmanus, S. A. K. Alizai

Oil-Filled Callianassa Burrows on a Texas Barrier-Island Beach

Anthony F. Amos, Steven C. Rabalais, Richard S. Scalan

Recent Submarine Aragonite, Magnesian Calcite, and Hematite Cements in a Gravel From Islay, Scotland

A. E. Adams, K. Schofield

Entrainment and Distribution of Different Sand Sizes Under Water Waves

Peter Nielsen

18O Variations in the Halimeda of Virgin Islands Sands: Evidence of Cool Water in the Northeast Caribbean, Late Holocene

Charles W. Holmes

Sedimentology of Southwestern Roads Region, U.S. Virgin Islands-Origin and Rate of Sediment Accumulation

Jack L. Kindinger, Ronald J. Miller, Charles W. Holmes

Structure and Diagenesis of Recent Algal-Foraminifer Reefs, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

Vladimir Jindrich

Rhyolite Clast Populations and Tectonics in the California Continental Borderland

Ronald P. Kies, Patrick L. Abbott

Glaciomarine Sedimentation in the Gowganda Formation (Huronian), Northern Ontario

Andrew D. Miall

Petrology and Dispersal Pattern in the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation (Miocene, Northern Apennines)

Giorgio Gandolfi, Luigi Paganelli, Gian Gaspare Zuffa

Evaluation of Optical and X-Ray Techniques for Detecting Source-Rock-Controlled Variation in Detrital Potassium Feldspars

Thomas G. Plymate, Lee J. Suttner

Sponge-Constructed Stromatactis Mud Mounds, Silurian of Gaspe, Quebec

Pierre-Andre Bourque, Helene Gignac

Description of a Paraconformity Between Carbonate Grainstones, Isla Cancun, Mexico

M. W. Longman, T. G. Fertal, J. S. Glennie, C. G. Krazan, D. H. Suek, W. G. Toler, S. K. Wiman

Terrigenous Dolomite in the Miocene of Menorca (Spain): Provenance and Diagenesis

Tom Freeman, David Rothbard, Antonio Obrador

Complex Polyhedral Crystals of Limpid Dolomite Associated with Halite, Permian Upper Clear Fork and Glorieta Formations, Texas

Ellen R. Naiman , Amos Bein , Robert L. Folk

Dolomitization in Chalk from the North Sea Central Graben

Niels Oluf Jorgensen

The Evolution of a Middle Precambrian Dolostone Sequence--A Spectrum of Dolomitization Regimes

B. D. Ricketts

U, Sr, and Mg in Holocene and Pleistocene Corals A. Palmata and M. Annularis

Timothy S. Cross , Barbara W. Cross

Mechanical and Chemical Compaction in Fine-Grained Shallow-Water Limestones

Eugene A. Shinn, Daniel M. Robbin

Birdseyes, Fenestrae, Shrinkage Pores, and Loferites: A Reevaluation

Eugene A. Shinn

Two New Methods of Paleocurrent Determination from Trough Cross-Stratification

Peter G. DeCelles, Richard P. Langford, Robert K. Schwartz

The Hydraulic Equivalence of Mica

Larry J. Doyle, Kendall L. Carder, Robert G. Steward

Detection of Repenetration and Sediment Disturbance in Open-Barrel Gravity Cores: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

P. P. E. Weaver, P. J. Schultheiss

A Vacuum-Gasometric Technique for Rapid and Precise Analysis of Calcium Carbonate in Sediments and Soils: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Glenn A. Jones , Peter Kaiteris

A Rapid Method for the Determination of Organic and Carbonate Carbon in Geological Samples: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Michael D. Krom , Robert A. Berner

A Method for Determining the Dry Bulk Density of Subaqueous Sediments: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Carl H. Hobbs, III

Relationships Between Surface Area and Grain Size in Bottom Sediments: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Sandro Rabitti, Alfredo Boldrin, Laura Menegazzo Vitturi

Epoxy Rock Replicas for Microtoming: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Christian Straley, Mary Margaret Minnis

Pore Geometry: A New System For Quantitative Analysis and 3-d Display: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

C. Lin, J. Hamasaki

Disaggregation of Quartzites: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Christopher A. Suczek

Heavy Liquid and Solvent Recovery, an Economical Method: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Peter Mileson, Lennart Jeppsson

Heat-Sealable Pouches for Preserving Rock Cores: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

John F. Splettstoesser, Marcus C. Hoyer

An Outrigger For Sampling From Small Boats: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

J. Irwin, R. A. Pickrill, W. Del. Main

Carbonate Reference Samples for Electron Microprobe and Scanning Electron Microscope Analyses: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Eugene Jarosewich, Ian G. Macintyre

Uniformitarianism and Sedimentology: DISCUSSION

Jane Barling

Uniformitarianism and Sedimentology: REPLY

James H. Shea

Evidence for a Sea Level Lowstand Between 4500 and 2400 Years B.P. on the Southeast Coast of the United States: DISCUSSION

Daniel F. Belknap, Albert C. Hine

Evidence for a Sea Level Lowstand Between 4500 and 2400 Years B.P. on the Southeast Coast of the United States: REPLY

Chester B. DePratter, James D. Howard