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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Dolomitization and Diagenesis in a Shallowing-Upward sequence: The Lockport Formation (Middle Silurian), New York State

Vijai Shukla, Gerald M. Friedman

Carbonate Dissolution on the Muir Seamount (Western North Atlantic): Interglacial/Glacial Changes

William L. Balsam

Diagenetic Model For Carbonate Rocks In Midcontinent Pennsylvanian Eustatic Cyclothems

Philip H. Heckel

Fabrics of Allochthonous Reefal Blocks, Shady Dolomite (Lower to Middle Cambrian), Virginia Appalachians

J. F. Read, R. W. Pfeil

Sediment Produced from Abrasion of the Branching Stony Coral Oculina Varicosa

Charles M. Hoskin, Jennifer C. Geier, John K. Reed

Pedogenic Calcrete as it Occurs in Quaternary Calcareous Dunes in Coastal South Australia

John K. Warren

Major-Element Geochemistry of Brines from the Wind Tidal Flat Area, Laguna Madre, Texas

David T. Long, Robert Gudramovics

Eolian Components in Cretaceous and Tertiary North Atlantic Sediments

Andrew Lever, I. Nicholas McCave

Response Characteristics of an Ebb-Dominated Tidal Inlet Channel

Duncan M. Fitzgerald, Dag Nummedal

An Evaluation of Offshore and Beach Changes on a Tideless Coast

Lee L. Weishar, William L. Wood

The Origin and Microfabric of Lake Superior Red Clay

Mark D. Johnson

High-Alumina Glaucony from the Middle Cambrian of Oland and Bornholm, Southern Baltoscandia

Vivianne Berg-Madsen

Petrography and Diagenesis of Silcrete from the Kalahari Basin And Cape Coastal Zone, Southern Africa

M. A. Summerfield

Petrology and Diagenetic Changes of Neogene Siliceous Rocks in Northern Japan

Ryuji Tada, Azuma Iijima

Composition of Carboniferous Sandstones and Tectonic Framework of Southern Appalachian-Ouachita Orogen

Greg H. Mack, William A. Thomas, Catherine A. Horsey

Sedimentology, Facies and Depositional Environments of the Rochester Shale (Silurian; Wenlockian) in Western New York and Ontario

Carlton E. Brett

Grain Surface Textures and Carbonate Content of Late Pleistocene Loess from West Germany and Poland

Kenneth Pye

The Influence of Local Bedrock: An Important Consideration in the Interpretation of Textural and Mineralogic Analyses of Till

John P. Szabo, Michael P. Angle

Paleohydrology and Paleomorphology of a Carboniferous, Meandering, Fluvial Sandstone

Thomas W. Gardner

An Assessment and Calibration of Formulations for Bagnold's Bedload Equation

J. Hardisty

Grain-Size Characteristics of Sediment Transported During Dust Storms

W. G. Nickling

On the Formation and Occurrence of Saddle Dolomite: DISCUSSION

Jay M. Gregg

Barrier Island Evolution in Response to Sea Level Rise: DISCUSSION

Stephen P. Leatherman

Barrier Island Evolution in Response to Sea-Level Rise: REPLY

Michael R. Rampino, John E. Sanders