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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Petrogenesis of Early Cambrian Reef Limestones, Labrador, Canada

Noel P. James, Colin F. Klappa

Diagenesis, Geochemistry, and Origin of a Precambrian Dolomite: the Beck Spring Dolomite of Eastern California

Maurice E. Tucker

Wavy and Lenticular-Bedded Carbonate Ribbon Rocks of the Upper Cambrian Conococheague Limestone, Central Appalachians

Robert V. Demicco

Submarine Cementation in a High-Energy Platform Reef: One Tree Reef, Southern Great Barrier Reef

John F. Marshall

Relationships of Modern Gypsum Nodules in Sabkhas of Loess to Compositions of Brines and Sediments in Northern Egypt

Yehia A. Ali , Ian West

Cold-water Spherical Grains from a Fresh-Water Drainage Pipe, Gordon Dam, Tasmania, Australia

C. Prasada Rao, I. H. Naqvi

Mississippian Wood-grained Chert and its Significance in the Western Interior United States

Peter G. DeCelles, Raymond C. Gutschick

Coagulation Rates of Clay Minerals and Natural Sediments

Ronald J. Gibbs

Settling Velocities of Natural Sand Grains in Air

Bingquan Cui, Paul D. Komar, Jumpei Baba

Jointed Source Rock and Fluvial Gravels Controlled by Rosin's Law: A Grain-Size Study in Calabria, South Italy

Hillert Ibbeken

Fluvial Bars Reconstructed from a Deep, Straight Channel, Upper Carboniferous Coalfield of Northeast England

R. Stuart Haszeldine

Massive Sandstone Facies in The Hawkesbury Sandstone, A Triassic Fluvial Deposit Near Sydney, Australia

Brian G. Jones, Brian R. Rust

Paleochannel Geometry and Flow Patterns Determined from Exhumed Permian Point Bars in North-central Texas

Marc B. Edwards , Kenneth A. Eriksson , Robert S. Kier

Desert Stream Sequences in the Sinai Peninsula

Amihai Sneh

Pleistocene Shoreline Deposition and Sea-level History at Swartklip, South Africa

John H. Barwis, Anthony J. Tankard

Hummocky Cross-Stratification and Megaripples: A Geological Double Standard?

Donald J. P. Swift, Albert G. Figueiredo Jr., G. L. Freeland, G. F. Oertel

Diagenetic History of the Silurian Keefer Sandstone in West Virginia and Kentucky

Richard Smosna

Provenance of Turbidites in the Ulleung (Tsushima) Back-Arc Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan)

K. S. Bahk, S. K. Chough

Quartzose Turbidites of the Accretionary Complex of Barbados, I: Chalky Mount Succession

D. K. Larue, R. C. Speed

Dolomite from Clay in Argillaceous or Shale-Associated Marine Carbonates: DISCUSSION

Marek Narkiewicz

Dolomite from Clay in Argillaceous or Shale-Associated Marine Carbonates: REPLY

Rex C. Price, Timothy R. McHargue

Giant Armored Mud Boulder from the 1982 Mount St. Helens Mudflows: DISCUSSION

Gary A. Smith

Giant Armored Mud Boulder from the 1982 Mount St. Helens Mudflows: REPLY

William J. Fritz, Sylvia Harrison