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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in Denmark: Implications for the Causes of the Terminal Cretaceous Extinction
A. A. Ekdale, Richard G. Bromley
Submarine Sand Dunes and Sedimentary Environments in Oceanographer Canyon
Page C. Valentine, Richard A.Cooper, Joseph R. Uzmann
Sedimentology of a Late Pleistocene Submarine-Moraine Complex, County Down, Northern Ireland
A. Marshall McCabe, George F. Dardis, Patricia M. Hanvey
Suspended Sediment Responses in a Wind-Dominated Estuary of the Texas Gulf Coast
Gerald L. Shideler
Messinian Fanglomerates: The Colombacci Formation in the Pietrarubbia Basin, Italy
A. J. de Feyter, N. Molenaar
Subaerial Debris-Flow Deposition in the Upper Paleozoic Cutler Formation, Western Colorado
Albert W. Shultz
Channel Margins in a Pennsylvanian Braided, Fluvial Deposit: The Morien Group Near Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
Martin R. Gibling, Brian R. Rust
Size Measures and The Ellipsoidal Form of Clastic Sediment Particles
Bingquan Cui, Paul D. Komar
Eolian Sandstones in Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic Red Beds of the Fundy Basin, Nova Scotia
John F. Hubert, Karl A. Mertz Jr.
Reactivation Surfaces in Subtidal Channel Deposits, Oosterschelde, Southwest Netherlands
Tessa De Mowbray, Marinus J. Visser
Runoff Microdeltas: A Potential Emergence Indicator in Cross-Bedded Sandstones
R. W. Dalrymple
Armored Mud Balls from Cabretta and Sapelo Barrier Islands, Georgia
Anne Marie Hall, William J. Fritz
Lacustrine Deposits in the Paleocene Fort Union Formation, Northern Bighorn Basin, Montana
Richard F. Yuretich, Leo J. Hickey, Benjamin P. Gregson, Yuan-Lun Hsia
Sedimentary Fluorite in a Lacustrine Zeolitic Tuff of the Gila Conglomerate Near Buckhorn, Grant County, New Mexico
Richard A. Sheppard, Frederick A. Mumpton
Weddellite Occurrence in Peats and Other Organic-Rich Sediments of Florida
George M. Griffin, Robert K. Sawyer, Shekhar R. Melkote
Mineral and Organic Material in Matrices and Coatings of Framboidal Pyrite from Pennsylvanian Sediments, England
Leonard G. Love, Adil T. H. Al-kaisy, Harry Brockley
Petrographic Examination of Sedimentary Rocks in the Sem Using Backscattered Electron Detectors
Kenneth Pye, David H. Krinsley
Petrological Characteristics of Archean Graywackes
Scott M. McLennan
Secondary Porosity in the Upper Jackfork Sandstone (Pennsylvanian), Little Rock-Arkadelphia, Arkansas
Denise M. Stone , David N. Lumsden
Epigenetic Dolomitization and the Origin of Xenotopic Dolomite Texture
Jay M. Gregg , Duncan F. Sibley
Chemical Control of Carbonate Phases: Implications From Upper Pennsylvanian Calcite-aragonite Ooids of Southeastern Kansas
Bruce H. Wilkinson, Chris Buczynski, Robert M. Owen
Epiphyton and Renalcis--Diagenetic Microfossils from Calcification of Coccoid Blue-Green Algae
Brian R. Pratt
Isotopic and Petrographic Record of Phreatic Diagenesis: Lower Cretaceous Sligo and Cupido Formations
Eva P. Moldovanyi , Kyger C. Lohmann
Carbonate Diagnetic Facies in the Upper Pennsylvanian Dennis Formation in Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas
L. Bruce Railsback
Diagenesis of a Stromatoporoid Patch Reef
Richard Smosna
Origin and Significance of Complex Authigenic Carbonates in Cretaceous Black Shales of the Western Alps
Normand Tasse, Reinhard Hesse