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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Alluvial Sandstone Composition and Paleoclimate, I. Framework Mineralogy

Lee J. Suttner, Prodip K. Dutta

Alluvial Sandstone Composition and Paleoclimate, II. Authigenic Mineralogy

Prodip K. Dutta, Lee J. Suttner

The Interrelation between Clay Infiltration, Quartz Cementation, and Compaction in Lower Givetian Terrestrial Sandstones, Northern Ardennes, Belgium

Niek Molenaar

Silicate Analyses and Normative Compositions of the Fine Fraction of Till: Examples from Eastern Finland

Kalle Taipale, Raimo Nevalainen, Matti Saarnisto

Time-Dependent Hydrodynamic Models of Turbidity Currents Analyzed with Data from the Grand Banks and Orleansville Events

A. D. Kirwan Jr., L. J. Doyle, W. D. Bowles, G. R. Brooks

An Experimental Study of Subaqueous Slipface Deposition

Ralph E. Hunter, Gary Kocurek

Grain-Size Characteristics of Linear Dunes in the Southwestern Kalahari

N. Lancaster

Marine Destruction of Eolian Sand Seas: Origin of Mass Flows

Terence B. Eschner , Gary Kocurek

Paleoenvironments of an Earliest Cambrian (Tommotian) Shelly Fauna in the Southwestern Great Basin, U.S.A.

Debra A. Gevirtzman, Jeffrey F. Mount

Formation of Holocene Limestone Sequences by Progradation, Cementation, and Erosion: Two Examples from the Bahamas

Andre Strasser, Eric Davaud

Cambrian Phoscrete Profiles, Coated Grains, and Microbial Processes in Phosphogenesis: Georgina Basin, Australia

Peter N. Southgate

Shallow-Water Evaporitic Environments and their Source Rock Potential: PERSPECTIVES

John K. Warren

Stable Isotopic and Elemental Relationships of Ancient Shallow-Marine and Slope Carbonates, Cambro-Ordovician Cow Head Group, Newfoundland: Implications for Fluid Flux: DISCUSSION

Mario Coniglio

Stable Isotopic and Elemental Relationships of Ancient Shallow-Marine and Slope Carbonates, Cambro-Ordovician Cow Head Group, Newfoundland: Implications For Fluid Flux: REPLY

Robert K. Suchecki, John F. Hubert

Sponge-Constructed Stromatactis Mud Mounds, Silurian of Gaspe, Quebec: DISCUSSION

Brian R. Pratt

Sponge-Constructed Stromatactis Mud Mounds, Silurian of Gaspe, Quebec: REPLY

Pierre-Andre Bourque, Helene Gignac