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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Sedimentary Processes on the Northwestern Iberian Continental Margin Viewed by Long-range Side-scan Sonar and Seismic Data
James V. Gardner , Robert B. Kidd
Fabric and its Relation to Sedimentologic and Physical Properties of Near-Surface Sediment, Shelikof Strait and Alsek Prodelta, Alaska
Michael E. Torresan, William C. Schwab
Gray Whale and Walrus Feeding Excavation on the Bering Shelf, Alaska
C. Hans Nelson, Kirk R. Johnson, John H. Barber, Jr.
Depositional Response to Seagrass Mortality Along a Low-Energy, Barrier-Island Coast: West-Central Florida
Albert C. Hine, Mark W. Evans, Richard A. Davis, Jr., Daniel F. Belknap
Fine-grained Paleogene Terrigenous Turbidites in Barbados
David C. Kasper, David K. Larue, Yvonne J. Meeks
The Effects of Bioturbation on the Fabric of Shale
Neal R. O'Brien
Mineralogy and Petrology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Clay Bed and Adjacent Clay-Rich Rocks, Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado
Richard M. Pollastro, Charles L. Pillmore
Subaqueous Outwash Fan and Esker Sandstones in the Permo-Carboniferous Dwyka Formation of South Africa
J. N. J. Visser, J. C. Loock, W. P. Colliston
The Original Shapes of Quartz Sand Grains
Jim Mazzullo, Stewart Magenheimer
Diagenetic Replacement of Feldspars by Quartz in Sandstones
S. Morad, A. A. Aldahan
Early Silica Cementation and Subsequent Diagenesis in Arenites from Four Early Proterozoic Iron Formations of North America
Bruce M. Simonson
Lungfish Burrows in the Upper Triassic Chinle and Dolores Formations, Colorado Plateau
Russell F. Dubiel, Robert H. Blodgett , Thomas M. Bown
Petrography, Geochemistry, and Evolution of Barite Concretions in Eocene Pelagic Chalks from Israel
R. Bogoch, B. Buchbinder, H. Nielsen
Occurrence of Pyrite and Carbonate Minerals in a Lowland Moor Area
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
Biogenic Sedimentary Fabrics Associated with Pioneering Polychaete Assemblages: Modern and Ancient
M. Carmela Cuomo, Donald C. Rhoads
Deep-Burial Dolomitization in the Ordovician Ellenburger Group Carbonates, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico
Yong Il Lee , Gerald M. Friedman
Marine Vadose Beachrock Cementation by Cryptocrystalline Magnesian Calcite--Maui, Hawaii
James H. Meyers
Letters to the Editor
Peter B. Humphrey
Grain-Size Characteristics of Linear Dunes in the Southwestern Kalahari: DISCUSSION
David S. G. Thomas, H. Elizabeth Martin
Grain-Size Characteristics of Linear Dunes in the Southwestern Kalahari: REPLY
N. Lancaster
Alluvial Sandstone Composition and Paleoclimate, II. Authigenic Mineralogy: DISCUSSION
Knut Bjorlykke, Sadoon Morad , Girish C. Saigal
Alluvial Sandstone Composition and Paleoclimate, II. Authigenic Mineralogy: REPLY
Prodip K. Dutta, Lee J. Suttner