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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Dolomitization and Calcitization of the Devonian Grosmont Formation, Northern Alberta
Francois Theriault , Ian Hutcheon
Classification of Dolomite Rock Textures
Duncan F. Sibley, Jay M. Gregg
Beach and Shoreface Ooid Deposition on Shallow Interior Banks, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies
R. M. Lloyd, R. D. Perkins, S. D. Kerr
Paleocurrent and Petrographic Analysis of Imbricate Intraclasts in Shallow-Marine Carbonates, Upper Cambrian, Southwestern Virginia
Robert C. Whisonant
Provenance of Impure Calclithites in the Laramide Foreland of Southwestern Montana
Raymond V. Ingersoll, William Cavazza, Stephan A. Graham, Indiana University Graduate Field Seminar Participants
Glacially Influenced Submarine-channel Sedimentation in the Yakataga Formation, Middleton Island, Alaska
Carolyn H. Eyles
Downstream Changes in Sand Composition, Roundness, and Gravel Size in a Short-headed, High-Gradient Stream, Northwestern Italy
Earle F. McBride, M. Dane Picard
Influences of Provenance and Diagenesis on Detrital Garnet Suites in the Paleocene Forties Sandstone, Central North Sea
Andrew C. Morton
Silica Diagenesis in Accreted Eocene Siliceous Rocks (Horizon Ac) on Barbados
D. K. Larue , C. W. Gortner , R. Torrini, Jr.
Diagenesis of Iron in Proglacial Sand Deposits of Late- and Post-Weichselian Age
Dieke Postma, B. Sine Brockenhuus-Schack
Quartz Geodes: Early Diagenetic Silicified Anhydrite Nodules Related to Dolomitization
Robert G. Maliva
Facies and Depositional Environments of the Energy Shale Member (Pennsylvanian) and their Relationship to Low-sulfur Coal Deposits in Southern Illinois
Mitchell K. Burk, Marc P. Deshowitz, John E. Utgaard
Dolomite Abundance and Stratigraphic Age: Constraints on Rates and Mechanisms of Phanerozoic Dolostone Formation: PERSPECTIVES
R. Kevin Given, Bruce H. Wilkinson