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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Experiments on Bed Configurations in Fine Sands Under Bidirectional Purely Oscillatory Flow, and the Origin of Hummocky Cross-Stratification
John B. Southard, John M. Lambie , Dennis C. Federico, Harold T. Pile, Christopher R. Weidman
Carbonate-siliciclastic Facies Transition and Reef Growth on the Northeast Coast of Barbados, West Indies
Kelly Lee Acker, Colin W. Stearn
Multiple Wisconsinan Glacigenic Sequences at Wedron, Illinois
W. Hilton Johnson, Ardith K. Hansel
Facies-Related Diagenesis in a Cyclic Shallow Marine Sequence: The Corallian Group (Upper Jurassic) of the Dorset Coast, Southern England
S. Qing Sun
Radiation-Damage Rims in Quartz from Uranium-Bearing Sandstones
Jean Dominique Meunier , Elisabeth Sellier , Maurice Pagel
Braidplain Evolution in the Pennsylvanian South Bar Formation, Sydney Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada
Brian R. Rust, Martin R. Gibling
Tidal Channel, Levee, and Crevasse-Splay Deposits from a Cambrian Tidal Channel System: A New Mechanism to Produce Shallowing-Upward Sequences
Kelly C. Cloyd, Robert V. Demicco, Ronald J. Spencer
Early Cambrian Progradational and Transgressive Sedimentation Patterns in Virginia: An Example of the Early History of a Passive Margin
Edward L. Simpson , Kenneth A. Eriksson
Organic-Rich, Radioactive Marine Shale: A Case Study of A Shallow-Water Condensed Section, Cretaceous Shaftesbury Formation, Alberta, Canada
Dale A. Leckie, Chaitanya Singh, Fariborz Goodarzi, John H. Wall
Limpid Dolomite in Permian San Andres Halite Rocks, Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle: Characteristics, Possible Origin, and Implications for Brine Evolution
Guoqiu Gao , Susan D. Hovorka, Harry H. Posey
Sedimentology, Ichnology, and Paleoenvironments of the Upper Cretaceous Wenonah and Mt. Laurel Formations, New Jersey
Ronald L. Martino, H. Allen Curran
Effects of Advancing Freeze Fronts on Distributions of Fine-grained Sediment Particles in Seawater- and Freshwater-Slush Ice Slurries
J. R. Clayton, Jr. , E. Reimnitz , J. R. Payne , E. W. Kempema
Neap-Spring Tidal Cyclicity in Laminated Carbonate Channel-Fill Deposits and its Implications: Salem Limestone (Mississipian), South-Central Indiana, U.S.A.
Mark A. Brown , Allen W. Archer , Erik P. Kvale
Classification of Large-Scale Subaqueous Bedforms: A New Look at an Old Problem-SEPM Bedforms and Bedding Structures
Gail M. Ashley, Symposium Chairperson
Emplacement of Clay into Sand by Infiltration: DISCUSSION
Emanuel Azmon
Sedimentation Pattern of a Rift-filling Unit, Tesuque Formation (Miocene), Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: DISCUSSION
Gary A. Smith, Peter A. Battuello
Sedimentation Pattern of a Rift-filling Unit, Tesuque Formation (Miocene), Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: REPLY
William Cavazza