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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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History of Quartz Cementation in the Lower Cretaceous Travis Peak Formation, East Texas

Shirley P. Dutton, Timothy N. Diggs

A Fluid Inclusion Study of Quartz-Cemented Sandstones from Offshore Mid-Norway--Possible Evidence for Continued Quartz Cementation During Oil Emplacement

Olav Walderhaug

Exploratory Flow-Duct Experiments on Combined-Flow Bed Configurations, and Some Implications for Interpreting Storm-Event Stratification

R. William Arnott , John B. Southard

Braided Fluvial to Marine Transition: The Basal Lower Cambrian Wood Canyon Formation, Southern Marble Mountains, Mojave Desert, California

Christopher M. Fedo, John D. Cooper

Island Arc Carbonates from the Silurian Heceta Formation of Southeastern Alaska (Alexander Terrane)

Constance M. Soja

Eocene Diatom Chert From Adak Island, Alaska

James R. Hein, Hseuh-Wen Yeh, John A. Barron

Alluvial Paleosols and Pedofacies Sequences in the Permian Lower Beaufort of the Southwestern Karoo Basin, South Africa

Roger M. H. Smith

Compositional Characteristics of Glauconitic Alterations of K-Feldspar from India and Their Implications

Somnath Dasgupta, Asru K. Chaudhuri, Masato Fukuoka

Petrographic and Geochemical Evidence for Origin of Paleospeleothems, New Mexico: Implications for the Application of Fluid Inclusions to Studies of Diagenesis

Robert H. Goldstein

Early Diagenetic Concretions Associated with Intrastratal Shrinkage Cracks in an Upper Proterozoic Dolomite, Tasmania, Australia

Clive R. Calver, Peter W. Baillie

Sandstone Petrology and Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Northwest California and Southwest Oregon Coast Ranges: DISCUSSION

Victor M. Seiders

Sandstone Petrology and Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Northwest California and Southwest Oregon Coast Ranges: REPLY

K. R. Aalto

Syngenetic Formation of Grainstones and Pisolites from Fenestral Carbonates in Peritidal Settings: DISCUSSION

V. Paul Wright

Syngenetic Formation of Grainstones and Pisolites from Fenestral Carbonates in Peritidal Settings: REPLY

S. J. Mazzullo, Barbara A. Birdwell