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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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The Influence of Calcite Dissolution on Reservoir Porosity in Miocene Sandstones, Picaroon Field, Offshore Texas Gulf Coast

Thomas R. Taylor

Production and Cycling of Calcium Carbonate in a Shelf-Edge Reef System (St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands): Applications to the Nature of Reef Systems in the Fossil Record

Dennis K. Hubbard, Arnold I. Miller , David Scaturo

Geochemical Imprint of Meteoric Diagenesis in Holocene Ooid Sands, Schooner Cays, Bahamas: Correlation of Calcite Cement Geochemistry with Extant Groundwaters

David A. Budd, Lynton S. Land

Updip to Downdip Cementation and Dolomitization Patterns in a Mississippian Aquifer, Appalachians

W. A. Nelson, J. F. Read

Origin of Major Karst-Associated Celestite Mineralization in Karstryggen, Central East Greenland

Peter A. Scholle , Lars Stemmerik , Ole Harpoth(4,5)

Albitization of Detrital Plagioclase in Triassic Reservoir Sandstones from the Snorre Field, Norwegian North Sea

Sadoon Morad, Morten Bergan, Ragnar Knarud, Johan Petter Nystuen

Modal Size Classification of Sands: An Example From The Northern Portugal Continental Shelf

J. M. Alveirinho Dias, William J. Neal

Spalled Quartz Overgrowths as a Potential Source of Silt

Stephen K. Kennedy, Fehmi Arikan

The Miocene Doumsan Fan-Delta, Southeast Korea: A Composite Fan-Delta System in Back-Arc Margin

s. K. Chough, I. G. Hwang, M. Y. Choe

Shelf-wide Erosion, Deposition, and Suspended Sediment Transport During Cyclone Winifred, Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Michael K. Gagan , Allan R. Chivas, Andrew L. Herczeg

Diagenesis of Cretaceous Sandstone Reservoirs of the South Gabon Rift Basin, West Africa: Mineralogy, Mass Transfer, and Thermal Evolution: DISCUSSION

Frederic Walgenwitz , Maurice Pagel

Diagenesis of Cretaceous Sandstone Reservoirs of the South Gabon Rift Basin, West Africa: Mineralogy, Mass Transfer, and Thermal Evolution: REPLY

Gilles Giroir , Enrique Merino , Daniel Nahon