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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Thrust-Generated Fan-Delta Deposition: Little Muddy Creek Conglomerate, SW Wyoming

David A. Pivnik

Spectral Reflectance Characterization (0.4 To 2.5 and 8.0 To 12.0 µm) of Phanerozoic Strata, Wind River Basin and Southern Bighorn Basin Areas, Wyoming

Harold R. Lang, Mary Jane Bartholomew, Cindy I. Grove, Earnest D. Paylor

Paleokarst Breccias, Calcretes, Silcretes and Fault Talus Breccias at the Base of Upper Proterozoic "Windermere" Strata, Northern Canadian Cordillera

P.S. Mustard, J. A. Donaldson

Three-Dimensional Antidunes as HCS Mimics in a Fluvial Sandstone: The Pennsylvanian South Bar Formation Near Sydney, Nova Scotia

Brian R. Rust, Martin R. Gibling

Dolomitization and Dolomite Neomorphism in the Back Reef Facies of the Bonneterre and Davis Formations (Cambrian), Southeastern Missouri

Jay M. Gregg, Kevin L. Shelton

Tidal Deposits Associated with Low-Sulfur Coals, Brazil Fm. (Lower Pennsylvanian), Indiana

Erik P. Kvale, Allen W. Archer

Diagenetic Albitization of Detrital K-Keldspars in Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Tertiary Clastic Reservoir Rocks from Offshore Norway, II. Formation Water Chemistry and Kinetic Considerations

P. Aagaard , P. K. Egeberg , G. C. Saigal , S. Morad , K. Bjorlykke

Pleistocene Periglacial Eolian Deposits in Southwestern Alaska: Sedimentary Facies and Depositional Processes

Peter D. Lea

Late Pennsylvanian Storm-Dominated Shelf Sand Ridges, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico

David L. Carr , Alan J. Scott

Stable Isotope Analyses of Carbonate Complicated by Nitrogen Oxide Contamination: A Delaware Basin Example

David A. Mucciarone , Douglas F. Williams

Fitting Cumulative Curves Using Splines: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Gerard V. Middleton

Procedure for Removing Heavy Minerals from Indurated Sedimentary Rocks Using Cold Hydrofluoric Acid: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Julie A. Roska, John J. W. Rogers

Application of Contrast Control Filters in Black and White Photomicrography: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

J. Bryan Tapp, Dennis R. Prezbindowski

Hydrothermal Experimental Technique for Studying Burial Diagenesis of Carbonates: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Patricia E. Videtich , Lung-Chuan Kuo

Improved Cryogenic Coring Device for Measuring Soil Accretion and Bulk Density: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Ronald M. Knaus , Donald R. Cahoon

Low-voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy--an Application to the Morphological Study of Reaction Products of Progressive Sample Treatments: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Long-Cheng Liang

A Technique for Preserving Structures in Unconsolidated Gravels in Relief Peels: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Johan Hattingh, Izak C. Rust, Jacobus S. V. Reddering

A Simple Method to Convert a Microscope from a High-Power to a Low-Power System: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

S. M. N. D. Subasinghe

A Suggested Standard Procedure for the Construction of Unimodal Current Rose-Diagrams: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Christian Andreassen

Is there Evidence for Geostrophic Currents Preserved in the Sedimentary Record of Inner to Middle Shelf Deposits?: DISCUSSION

Roger Higgs

Is there Evidence for Geostrophic Currents Preserved in the Sedimentary Record of Inner to Middle-shelf Deposits?: DISCUSSION

Bruce S. Hart, Richard M. Vantfoort, A. Guy Plint

Is there Evidence for Geostrophic Currents Preserved in the Sedimentary Record of Inner to Middle Shelf Deposits: REPLY

Dale A. Leckie, Lee F. Krystinik