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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Bed Configurations in Steady Unidirectional Water Flows. Part 1. Scale Model Study Using Fine Sands
Lawrence A. Boguchwal , John B. Southard
Bed Configurations in Steady Unidirectional Water Flows. Part 2. Synthesis of Flume Data
John B. Southard, Lawrence A. Boguchwal
Bed Configurations in Steady Unidirectional Water Flows. Part 3. Effects of Temperature and Gravity
John B. Southard, Lawrence A. Boguchwal
Flume Experiments on the Transport of Heavy Minerals in Gravel-Bed Streams
Roger A. Kuhnle , John B. Southard
Cambrian Shoreline Deposits in Northern Michigan
Charles A. Haddox, R. H. Dott, Jr.
Diagenetic Silica Stratification in a Paleosilcrete, North Texas
Robert C. Murray
Evolution of Gypsum Karst in the Kirschberg Evaporite Member Near Fredericksburg, Texas
John K. Warren , Karen G. Havholm , Michael R. Rosen , Matthew J. Parsley (5)
The Concentration of Uranium in Freshwater Vadose and Phreatic Cements in a Holocene Ooid Cay: A Method of Identifying Ancient Water Tables
Gong S. Chung , Peter K. Swart
Lateral and Temporal Changes in Volcanogenic Sedimentation; Analysis of Two Eocene Sedimentary Aprons, Big Bend Region, Texas
Anthony C. Runkel
Petrography and Diagenesis of Cherts From Lake Magadi, Kenya
Kathryn A. Schubel , Bruce M. Simonson
Facies Modeling and Sequence Stratigraphy: PERSPECTIVE
Roger G. Walker
The Shape of Beach Gravels: SHORT NOTE
Stephen J. Gale
Field and Modelling Studies of Cambrian Carbonate Cycles, Virginia Appalachians: DISCUSSION
Michael G. Kozar, Lawrence J. Weber, Kenneth R. Walker
Field and Modelling Studies of Cambrian Carbonate Cycles, Virginia Appalachians: REPLY
W. F. Koerschner III, J. F. Read
Physiographic Controls on the Composition of Sediments Derived from Volcanic and Sedimentary Terrains on Barro Colorado Island, Panama: DISCUSSION
William R. Dickinson, Raymond V. Ingersoll
Physiographic Controls on the Composition of Sediments Derived from Volcanic and Sedimentary Terrains on Barro Colorado Island, Panama: REPLY
Mark J. Johnsson, Robert F. Stallard