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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Infiltrated Clays in Fluvial Jurassic Sandstones of Reconcavo Basin, Northeastern Brazil

Marco A. S. Moraes , Luiz F. De Ros

Influences of Dolomite Precipitation on Quartz Surface Textures

Robert G. Maliva , Raymond Siever

Chemical Weathering of Fluvial Sediments During Alluvial Storage: The Macuapanim Island Point Bar, Solimoes River, Brazil

Mark J. Johnsson , Robert H. Meade

Sedimentology and Mineralogy of Dolomitic Coorong Lakes, South Australia

John K. Warren

Rates of Sediment Accumulation in a Tidal Freshwater Marsh

Richard A. Orson , Robert L. Simpson, Ralph E. Good

Geostrophic Circulation or Shallow Marine Turbidity Currents? The Dilemma of Paleoflow Patterns in Storm-Influenced Prograding Shoreline Systems

William L. Duke

Authigenic Barite as an Indicator of Fluid Movement through Sandstones Within the Colorado Plateau

George N. Breit, Martin B. Goldhaber, Daniel R. Shawe, E. Craig Simmons

Petrography and Origin of Bedded Barite and Phosphate in the Devonian Slaven Chert of Central Nevada

Karen K. Graber , Henry S. Chafetz

The Initial Gradient of Sulfate in Gulf of California Sediments

Federico Paez-Osuna, Jose I. Osuna-Lopez

Burial Cementation in the Swan Hills Formation (Devonian), Rosevear Field, Alberta, Canada

Jonathan Kaufman , William J. Meyers, Gilbert N. Hanson

Detrital Magnetite as a Provenance Indicator

Jeffry D. Grigsby

High-Energy Carbonate-Sand Accumulation, the Quicksands, Southwest Florida Keys

Eugene A. Shinn , Barbara H. Lidz , Charles W. Holmes

Fabric-retentive, Non-luminescent Brachiopods as Indicators of Original 13C and 18O Composition: A Test

Patrick F. Rush, Henry S. Chafetz

Origin, Structure, and Evolution of a Reattachment Bar, Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona

David M. Rubin, John C. Schmidt , Johnnie N. Moore

Crustose Coralline Algae from the Flower Garden Banks, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: Controls on Distribution and Growth Morphology

Gregory A. Minnery

Coastal Mixing Zone Dolomite, Forward Modeling, and Massive Dolomitization of Platform-Margin Carbonates: DISCUSSION

H. G. Machel, E. W. Mountjoy

Coastal Mixing Zone Dolomite, Forward Modeling and Massive Dolomitization of Platform-Margin Carbonates: REPLY

John D. Humphrey, Terrence M. Quinn