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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Characteristics, Distribution and Origin of Porosity in Shelf Dolostones: Burlington-Keokuk Formation (Mississippian), U.S. Mid-Continent
Philip W. Choquette, Ann Cox, William J. Meyers
Carousel Model for the Crystallization of Saddle Dolomite
Ralph Kretz
Meteoric Calcitization and Incipient Lithification of Recent High-Magnesium Calcite Muds, Belize
S.J. Mazzullo, William D. Bischoff
Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Carbonate Fracture Fills in the Monterey Formation, California
Bryce L. Winter , L. Paul Knauth
Diagenesis and the Formation of Authigenic Illite-Rich I/S Crystals in Gulf Coast Shales: Tem Study of Clay Separates
Robert L. Freed, Donald R. Peacor
Sulfide Diagenesis and Sedimentation in the Albian Harmon Member, Western Canada
John Bloch , H. Roy Krouse
Sandstone Porosity Loss--A "Big Picture" View of the Importance of Compaction
Paul D. Lundegard
Diagenetic Processes Along a Basin-Wide Marker Bed as a Function of Burial Depth
William Cavazza, Giorgio Gandolfi
Sediment Transport in a Submarine Channel System: Fraser River Delta, Canada
R.A. Kostaschuk , J.L. Luternauer , G.T. McKenna , T.F. Moslow (5)
Determining the Channel Sinuosity of Ancient Fluvial Systems from Paleocurrent Data
J.P. Le Roux
Deposition and Interpretation of Long, Narrow Sandbodies Underlain by a Basinwide Erosion Surface: Cardium Formation, Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, Alberta, Canada
Simon A.J. Pattison, Roger G. Walker
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy--The East Coulee Delta, Alberta
Henry W. Posamentier, George P. Allen, David P. James
Use of Bulk Chemical Analyses in Stratigraphic Correlation of Sandstones: An Example from the Statfjord Nord Field, Norwegian Continental Shelf
S.N. Ehrenberg, E. Siring
Chemical Fingerprinting in Detrital Ilmenite: A Viable Alternative in Provenance Research?
Jeffry D. Grigsby