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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Mechanism of Plagioclase Albitization

Karl Ramseyer, James R. Boles, Peter C. Lichtner

Diagenetic Siderite and Other Ferroan Carbonates in a Modern Subsiding Marsh Sequence

Sarah E. Moore , Ray E. Ferrell, Jr., Paul Aharon

Diagenesis of the Upper Permian Jiantianba Reef, West Hubei, China

Huaibo Liu , J. Keith Rigby

Inorganic Calcite Morphology: Roles of Fluid Chemistry and Fluid Flow

Luis A. Gonzalez, Scott J. Carpenter, Kyger C Lohmann

Carbonate Gravity Flow Deposition Along a Platform Margin Scarp (Silurian, North Greenland)

Finn Surlyk, Jon R. Ineson

Evidence for a Tidally Influenced Upper Carboniferous Ombrogenous Mire System: Upper Bench, Beckley Bed (Westphalian A), Southern West Virginia

James R. Staub, Joan S. Esterle

Longshore Grain Sorting and Beach Placer Formation Adjacent to the Columbia River

Michael Zhenlin Li, Paul D. Komar

The Harthope Ganister -- A Transgressive Barrier Island to Shallow-Marine Sand-Ridge from the Namurian of Northern England

Colin J. Percival

Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Deposition in an Early Cambrian Oxygen-Stratified Basin, Chapel Island Formation, Southeastern Newfoundland

Paul M. Myrow, Ed Landing

Sedimentology of Large Olistoliths, Southern Cordillera Central, Hispaniola

Christoph Heubeck

Paleosols as an Indicator of Climatic Change at the Early-Late Cretaceous Boundary, Southwestern New Mexico

Greg H. Mack

Evolution of Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Basins of Southwest Utah Based on Clastic Petrology

Patrick M. Goldstrand

Experimental Simulation of Clay Precipitation within Reservoir Sandstones 1: Techniques and Examples

J.S. Small , D.L. Hamilton , S. Habesch

Experimental Simulation of Clay Precipitation Within Reservoir Sandstones 2: Mechanism of Illite Formation and Controls on Morphology

J.S. Small , D.L. Hamilton , S. Habesch

Rain-impact Microtopography (RIM): An Experimental Analogue for Fossil Examples from the Maroon Formation, Colorado

Albert J. Robb, III

Pebble Shape (and Size!): DISCUSSION

Alex Woronow

Pebble Shape (and Size!): REPLY

Werner K. Illenberger

Early Ordovician Cool Creek Dolomite, Middle Arbuckle Group, Slick Hills, SW Oklahoma, U.S.A.: Origin and Modification: DISCUSSION

Gerald M. Friedman

Early Ordovician Cool Creek Dolomite, Middle Arbuckle Group, Slick Hills, SW Oklahoma, U.S.A.: Origin And Modification: REPLY

Guoqiu Gao, Lynton S. Land