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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Constraints on the Formation of Pliocene Hummocky Cross-stratification in Calabria (Southern Italy) from Consideration of Hydraulic and Dispersive Equivalence, Grain-Flow Theory, and Suspended-Load Fallout Rate

Peter G. DeCelles, William Cavazza

Estuarine Sedimentation on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia

Ron Boyd, Cecily Honig

Selective Entrainment and Transport of Mixed Size and Density Sands: Flume Experiments Simulating the Formation of Black-sand Placers

Michael Zhenlin Li, Paul D. Komar

Morphology, Sediments, and Depositional Environments of a Small Carbonate Platform: Serranilla Bank, Nicaraguan Rise, Southwest Caribbean Sea

Nina J. Triffleman , Pamela Hallock, Albert C. Hine

Lithofacies Analysis of Colluvial Sediments--An Aid in Interpreting the Recent History of Quaternary Normal Faults in the Basin and Range Province, Western United States

Alan R. Nelson

Dune and Dune-Field Development on Padre Island, Texas, with Implications for Interdune Deposition and Water-Table-Controlled Accumulation

G. Kocurek, M. Townsley, E. Yeh, K. Havholm, M. L. Sweet

Geochemical Variation of Dolomite Cement Within the Cambrian Bonneterre Formation, Missouri: Evidence for Fluid Mixing

M. R. Farr

Meteoric-burial Diagenesis of Middle Pennsylvanian Limestones in the Orogrande Basin, New Mexico: Water/Rock Interactions and Basin Geothermics

Thomas J. Algeo, Bruce H. Wilkinson, Kyger C. Lohmann

Iron Sulfide and Carbonate Mineral Diagenesis in Baffin Bay, Texas

John W. Morse, Jeffrey C. Cornwell, Takeshi Arakaki, Saulwood Lin, Miguel Huerta-Diaz

Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Siderite in the Kuparuk Formation, Alaska: Effect of Microbial Activity and Water/Sediment Interaction on Early Pore-Water Chemistry

Peter S. Mozley, William W. Carothers

Oolitic Ironstone of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, East-Central Utah

Marjorie A. Chan

Diagenetic Enrichment of Manganese and Other Heavy Metals in Hemipelagic Brown Clay of the Palau Trench Floor

Satoshi Yamamoto

X-Radiography of Horizontal Core Slabs: A Method for Greater Retrieval of Sediment Core Data: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Sanford L. Britt, David J. Bottjer, Alfred G. Fischer, James G. Flocks, Donn S. Gorsline

A Modification for Improved Electron Gun Current Control in Cold Cathode CL Microscopy: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Michael D. Fawcett

Quantifying Cathodoluminescent Intensity With an On-line Camera and Exposure Meter: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Gabriel M. Filippelli, Margaret L. Delaney

A Quick, Inexpensive, Self-contained Sediment Coring System for Use Underwater: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Brian Jones, Kenton F. Phimester, Ian G. Hunter, Paul Blanchon

Pretreatment Techniques for Particle-size Analysis of Dust Samples from High Volume Sampler Filter Papers: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

L. Kiefert, G. H. McTainsh, W. G. Nickling

Collection of Co2 for 13C/12C Measurements and Simultaneous C, H, N, and S Analysis Using an Elemental Analyzer: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

David A. Mucciarone, Robert B. Dunbar

A Shaking Table for Experiments on Soft-sediment Deformation: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

G. Owen

Artifact Porosity in Thin Sections of Sandstones: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Edward D. Pittman

Measurement of Thickness of Nearshore Sands by Hydraulic Jetting: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Norman A. Rukavina, Graham G. Lahaie

Jack-up Pontoon Barge for Vibracoring in Shallow Water: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Gregory W. Stone, James P. Morgan

The Use of "Photomount" Adhesive as a Medium for Peels of Unconsolidated Sediments: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

Martin A. Whyte

A Field Sampling Method for Obtaining Representative Samples of Composite Fluvial Suspended Sediment Particles for SEM Analysis: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

J. C. Woodward, D. E. Walling