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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Facies and Evolution of a Silurian Coral-Microbialite Reef Complex, Maumee, Ohio, USA
Charles F. Kahle
Evidence for a Paleoaquifer from Early Diagenetic Siderite of the Cardium Formation, Alberta, Canada
Geoffrey D. Thyne , Cynthia J. Gwinn
Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Lowstand Peritidal Lithofacies at the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary in the Cretaceous Carbonate Platform of Israel
Ron Bogoch , Binyamin Buchbinder , M. Magaritz
Golden Grove Dolomite, Barbados: Origin from Modified Seawater
Hans G. Machel , Elizabeth A. Burton
Growth and Structure of Fringing Reefs in a Muddy Environment, South Thailand
Alexander W. Tudhope, Terence P. Scoffin
Proterozoic Glauconitic Peloids from South India: Their Origin and Significance
Asru K. Chaudhuri , S.K. Chanda , Somnath Dasgupta
Biogeochemistry and Origin of a Phosphoritized Coprolite from Anoxic Sediment of the Santa Barbara Basin
Arndt Schimmelmann (), Jeffrey D. Schuffert (), M. Indira Venkatesan , Jim Leather , Carina B. Lange , Gleb N. Baturin , Alain Simon
Multiple Authigenesis of K-Feldspar in Sandstones: Evidence from the Cretaceous Areado Formation, Sao Francisco Basin, Central Brazil
L.F. De Ros (), G.N.C. Sgarbi , S. Morad
Elemental Mobility in Sandstones Duping Burial: Whole-Rock Chemical and Isotopic Data, Frio Formation, South Texas
K.L. Milliken, L.E. Mack, L.S. Land
Porosity Reduction and Major Controls on Diagenesis of Cretaceous-Paleocene Volcaniclastic and Arkosic Sandstone, Middle Park Basin, Colorado
Robert R. Remy ()
Paleogeographic Influences on Sandstone Composition Along an Evolving Passive Margin: An Example from the Basal Chilhowee Group (Uppermost Proterozoic to Lower Cambrian) of the South-Central Appalachians
Dan Walker , Edward L. Simpson , Steven G. Driese
Sandstone Petrology and Provenance of the Siwalik Group (Northwestern Pakistan and Western-Southeastern Nepal)
Salvatore Critelli , Raymond V. Ingersoll
Detrital Modes and Provenance of Miocene Sandstones and Modern Sands of the Southern Apennines Thrust-Top Basins (Italy)
Salvatore Critelli, Emilia Le Pera
Petrography and Geochemistry of Sandstones Interbedded with the Rooiberg Felsite Group (Transvaal Sequence, South Africa): Implications for Provenance and Tectonic Setting
P.G. Eriksson, U.M. Schreiber (), B.F.F. Reczko, C.P. Snyman
Microfabric and Taphonomic Analysis in Determining Sedimentary Processes in Marine Mudstones: Example from Silurian of New York
Neal R. O'Brien, Carlton E. Brett, Wendy L. Taylor
Virgilian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Paleosols in the Upper Lawrence Formation (Douglas Group) and in the Snyderville Shale Member (Oread Formation, Shawnee Group) of the Northern Midcontinent, USA: Pedologic Contrasts in a Cyclothem Sequence
R.M. Joeckel ()
Subaqueous Pyroclastic Deposits in an Ordovician Fore-Arc Basin: An Example from the Saint-Victor Formation, Quebec Appalachians, Canada
Pierre A. Cousineau
New Evidence for the Holocene Sea-Level High from the Inner Shelf, Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia
R. Beaman, P. Larcombe, R.M. Carter
Landward Migration of Isolated Shelly Sand Ridge (Chenier) on the Macrotidal Flat of Gomso Bay, West Coast of Korea: Controls of Storms and Typhoon
Hee Jun Lee, Seung Soo Chun (), Jin Ho Chang, Sang-Joon Han
Gravel and Sand Flotation: A Sediment Dispersal Process Important in Certain Nearshore Marine Environments
Per Moller, Olafur Ingolfsson
Observations on Experimental, Nonchannelized, High-Concentration Turbidity Currents and Variations in Deposits Around Obstacles
Jan Alexander, Stephen Morris
Fabric Shape and the Interpretation of Sedimentary Fabric Data
Douglas I. Benn
Grain-Shape Indices and Isometric Graphs
H.J. Hofmann
Great Bahama Bank Aragonitic Muds: Mostly Inorganically Precipitated, Mostly Exported: DISCUSSION
Gerald M. Friedman
Great Bahama Bank Aragonitic Muds: Mostly Inorganically Precipitated, Mostly Exported: REPLY
John D. Milliman
Identification and Diagenesis of a Phylloid Alga: Archaeolithophyllum from the Pennsylvanian Providence Limestone, Western Kentucky: DISCUSSION
Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.
Identification and Diagenesis of a Phylloid Alga: Archaeolithophyllum from the Pennsylvanian Providence Limestone, Western Kentucky: REPLY
Stephen O. Moshier , Brenda L. Kirkland
Mudstone Lithofacies in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, Wessex Basin, Southern England: Implications for the Origin and Controls of the Distribution of Mudstones: DISCUSSION
Paul B. Wignall
Mudstone Lithofacies in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, Wessex Basin, Southern England: Implications for the Origin and Controls of the Distribution of Mudstones: REPLY
J.H.S. Macquaker, R.L. Gawthorpe
Scaling in Turbidite Deposition: DISCUSSION
Richard N. Hiscott , John V. Firth
Scaling in Turbidite Deposition: REPLY
Daniel H. Rothman , John P. Grotzinger , Peter B. Flemings
The Genesis and Recognition of Anastomosed Fluvial Deposits: Data from the St. Mary River Formation, Southwestern Alberta, Canada
G.C. Nadon()
Aquifer/aquitard Units of the Dakota Aquifer System in Kansas: Methods of Delineation and Sedimentary Architecture Effects on Ground-water Flow and Flow Properties
P. Allen Macfarlane , J.H. Doveton , Howard R. Feldman , J.J. Butler, Jr. , J.M. Combes , D.R. Collins
Seismic Models of a Shelf-margin Depositional Sequence: Upper San Andres Formation, Last Chance Canyon, New Mexico
Jan Stafleu , Mark D. Sonnenfeld
Sequential Development of an Valley Fill: the Twowells Tongue of the Dakota Sandstone, Acoma Basin, New Mexico
Donatella Mellere
The Demise of Sverdrup Basin: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Sequence Stratigraphy and Forward Modeling
Brian D. Ricketts , Randell A. Stephenson
Messinian (Late Miocene) Karst on Grand Cayman, British West Indies: An Example of an Erosional Sequence Boundary
Brian Jones, Ian G. Hunter
Holocene Meander-Belt Evolution in an Active Extensional Basin, Southwestern Montana
Jan Alexander , John S. Bridge , Michael R. Leeder , Richard E.LL. Collier , Robert L. Gawthorpe
Stratigraphy and Genesis of a Modern Shoreface-Attached Sand Ridge, Peahala Ridge, New Jersey
John W. Snedden , Roderick W. Tillman , Ronald D. Kreisa , William J. Schweller , Stephen J. Culver , Robert D. Winn, Jr. (5)()