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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Evaporitic Mixed-Water Dolomitization on St. Croix, U.S.V.I.

Ivan P. Gill , Clyde H. Moore, Jr. , Paul Aharon

A Profound Meteoric Water Influence on Genesis in the Permian Waterberg Coalfield, South Africa: Evidence From Stable Isotopes

Kevin Faure (), Chris Harris, James P. Willis

Middle Miocene Gypsum, Gulf of Suez: Marine or Nonmarine?

Osama E. Attia , Tim K. Lowenstein , Ashraf M.A. Wali

Clastic Huntite in Upper Neogene Formations of the Kozani Basin, Macedonia, Northern Greece

Jose P. Calvo , Michael G. Stamatakis , Andreas C. Magganas

Moganite as an Indicator for Vanished Evaporites: A Testament Reborn?

Peter J. Heaney

Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to Silica Diagenesis: The Opal-A to Opal-Ct Transformation

S.B. Rice (), H. Freund (), W.-L. Huang , J.A. Clouse , C.M. Isaacs

Pore-Water Chemistry and Diagenesis of the Modern Fraser River Delta

Graham Simpson, Ian Hutcheon

Petrofacies and Provenance of the Puente Formation (Middle to Upper Miocene), Los Angeles Basin, Southern California: Implications for Rapid Uplift and Accumulation Rates

Salvatore Critelli , Peter E. Rumelhart , Raymond V. Ingersoll

Detrital Opaque Oxides as Provenance Indicators in River Nile Sediments

Jill Stephanie Schneiderman

Redoximorphic Paleosols in Alluvial and Lacustrine Deposits, 1.8 Ga Lochness Formation, Mount Isa, Australia: Pedogenic Processes and Implications for Paleoclimate

Steven G. Driese , Edward L. Simpson , Kenneth A. Eriksson

Spherulites in Calcrete Laminar Crusts: Biogenic CACO3 Precipitation as a Major Contributor to Crust Formation

Eric P. Verrecchia , Pierre Freytet , Karin E. Verrecchia, Jean-Louis Dumont

On the Relationship Between the Pore-throat Morphology Index ("a") and Fractal Dimension (Df) of Pore Networks in Carbonate Rocks: DISCUSSION

Eric P. Verrecchia

Traction-Carpet Stratification in Turbidites--Fact or Fiction?: DISCUSSION

Young Kwan Sohn

Traction-Carpet Stratification in Turbidites--Fact or Fiction?: REPLY

Richard N. Hiscott

Alluvial Fans and Their Natural Distinction from Rivers Based on Morphology, Hydraulic Processes, Sedimentary Processes, and Facies Assemblages: DISCUSSION

Seung Bum Kim

Alluvial Fans and Their Natural Distinction from Rivers Based on Morphology, Hydraulic Processes, Sedimentary Processes, and Facies Assemblages: REPLY

Terence C. Blair, John G. Mcpherson

Virgilian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Paleosols in the Upper Lawrence Formation (Douglas Group) and in the Snyderville Shale Member (OREAD Formation, Shawnee Group) of the Northern Midcontinent, USA: Pedologic Contrasts in a Cyclothem Sequence: DISCUSSION

Howard R. Feldman , Allen W. Archer

Virgilian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Paleosols in the Upper Lawrence Formation (Douglas Group) and in the Snyderville Shale Member (Oread Formation, Shawnee Group) of the Northern Midcontinent, USA: Pedologic Contrasts in a Cyclothem Sequence: REPLY

R.M. Joeckel

Grain-Shape Indices and Isometric Graphs: DISCUSSION

Douglas I. Benn , Colin K. Ballantyne

Grain-Shape Indices and Isometric Graphs: REPLY

H.J. Hofmann

Glaucony and Sequence Stratigraphy: A Conceptual Framework of Distribution in Siliciclastic Sequences

Alessandro Amorosi

High-resolution Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Evolution of Coarse-Grained Canyon-Filling Turbidites From the Upper Cretaceous Transgressive Megasequence, Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil

Carlos H.L. Bruhn , Roger G. Walker

The Charo/Arro Canyon-Mouth Sheet System, South-Central Pyrenees, Spain: A Structurally Influenced Zone of Sediment Dispersal

John J. Millington , Julian D. Clark

Middle Tertiary Extension Recorded by Lacustrine Fan-Delta Deposits, Plush Ranch Basin, Western Transverse Ranges, California

Ronald B. Cole , Richard G. Stanley

Turbidite Deposition From Multiple Sources: Quaternary Paola Basin Eeastern Tyrrhenian Sea)

F. Trincardi , A. Correggiari , M.E. Field , W.R. Normark