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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Herringbone Calcite: Petrography and Environmental Significance

Dawn Y. Sumner (), John P. Grotzinger

Significance of Aragonite Cements Around Cretaceous Marine Methane Seeps

Martine M. Savard , Benoit Beauchamp , Jan Veizer

Diagenesis of Calcite Cement in Frio Formation Sandstones and its Relationship to Formation Water Chemistry

F. Leo Lynch, Lynton S. Land

Interplay of Cementation, Mechanical Compaction, and Chemical Compaction in Nodular Limestones of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese (Middle--upper Jurassic, Northeastern Italy)

P.A. Clari, L. Martire

The Rapid Response of Reef Sediments to Changes in Community Composition: Implications for Time Averaging and Sediment Accumulation

Christopher T. Perry

Possible Microbial Effects on Stable Carbon Isotopes in Hot-spring Travertines

Li Guo , Julian Andrews , Robert Riding , Paul Dennis , Quentin Dresser ()

A Re-examination of Reported Lacustrine Vaterite Formation in Holkham Lake, Norfolk, U.K.

David Lucas, Julian E. Andrews

A Crystal Growth Rate Equation for Ancient Dolomites: Evidence for Millimeter-scale Flux-limited Growth

Stephan H. Nordeng , Duncan F. Sibley

The Role of Magnesium in the Crystallization of Calcite and Aragonite in a Porous Medium

Lurdes Fernandez-Diaz , Andrew Putnis (), Manuel Prieto , Christine V. Putnis

Fluid Evolution Interpreted from Diagenetic Assemblages and Salinity Data in Permo-triassic Sandstone, Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia

Birger Rasmussen, J.E. Glover

Illitization of Diagenetic Kaolinite-to-dickite Conversion Series: Late-stage Diagenesis of the Lower Permian Rotliegend Sandstone Reservoir, Offshore of the Netherlands

Bruno Lanson , Daniel Beaufort , Gilles Berger , Julien Baradat , Jean-Claude Lacharpagne

Stem/Aem Evidence for Preservation of Burial Diagenetic Fabrics in Devonian Shales: Implications for Fluid/rock Interaction in Cratonic Basins (U.S.A.)

Victoria C. Hover, Donald R. Peacor, Lynn M. Walter

Chemistry, Microstructure, Petrology, and Diagenetic Model of Jurassic Dinosaur Bones, Dinosaur National Monument, Utah

J.F. Hubert , P.T. Panish , D.J. Chure , K.S. Prostak

Quantification of the Effects of Secondary Matrix on the Analysis of Sandstone Composition, and a Petrographic-chemical Technique for Retrieving Original Framework Grain Modes of Altered Sandstones

Ronadh Cox (1 ), Donald R. Lowe

Tectonic Controls on Dispersal of Gold into a Foreland Basin: An Example from the Western Canada Foreland Basin

Dave Craw (1 ), Dale A. Leckie

Sole Marks and Combined-flow Storm Event Beds in the Brixton Formation of the Siliciclastic Archean Witwatersrand Supergroup, South Africa

Nicolas J. Beukes

Unusual Shoreface Sedimentology in the Upper Jurassic of the Boulonnais, Northern France

P.B. Wignall , O.E. Sutcliffe , J. Clemson , E. Young

Sandy Contourites of the Lower Kazusa Group in the Boso Peninsula, Japan: Kuroshio-Current-Influenced Deep-sea Sedimentation in a Plio-pleistocene Forearc Basin

Makoto Ito

A Statistical Approach to Source Determination of Lithic and Fe Oxide Grains: An Example from the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean

Dennis A. Darby, Jens F. Bischof

Iridium Concentration as an Estimator of Instantaneous Sediment Accumulation Rates

Peter Bruns , Wolf-Christian Dullo , William W. Hay , Christopher Ned Wold , Ernst Pernicka

Biological Forcing of Hemipelagic Sedimentary Laminae: Evidence from ODP Site 893, Santa Barbara Basin, California

Kurt A. Grimm , Carina B. Lange , Amarpal S. Gill

Silt Aggregates in Laminated Marine Sediment Produced by Agglutinated Foraminifera

Jennifer Pike, Alan E.S. Kemp

Sea-level Highstand Recorded in Holocene Shoreline Deposits on Oahu, Hawaii

Charles H. Fletcher, III , Anthony T. Jones (2 )

Constraints on Eolian Grain Flow Dynamics Through Laboratory Experiments on Sand Slopes

Richard R. McDonald (), Robert S. Anderson

Sampling Surficial Fluvial Gravels: The Precision of Size Distribution Percentile Estimates

Stephen Rice (), Michael Church