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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Evaluation of Spacing of Stylolites and its Implications for Self-Organization of Pressure Dissolution

L. Bruce Railsback

Fractal Structure of Stylolites

Carl N. Drummond, Damon N. Sexton

Recrystallization in Living Porcelaneous Foraminifera (Archaias Angulatis): Textural Changes Without Mineralogic Alteration

Ian G. Macintyre , R. Pamela Reid

Processes of Holocene Ferromanganese-Coated Grains (Oncolites) in the Nearshore Shelf of Cameroon

Pierre Giresse , Andrzej Wiewiora , Bozena Lacka

Diagenesis and Remobilization of Carbon and Sulfur in Mid-Pleistocene Organic-Rich Freshwater Sediment

Simon H. Bottrell , Jacqueline A. Hannam (), Julian E. Andrews , Barbara A. Maher

The Origin of Barren Bodies in the Subiza Potash Deposit, Navarra, Spain: Implications for Sylvite Formation

Dioni I. Cendon , Carlos Ayora , Juan-Jose Pueyo

Comparative Study of the Lower Ordovician Ironstones of the Iberian Massif (Zamora, Spain) and of the Armorican Massif (Central Brittany, France)

Agustina Fernandez , Jean Jacques Chauvel , M. Candelas Moro

Strontium Geochemistry of Miocene Primary Gypsum: Messinian of Southeastern Spain and Sicily and Badenian of Poland

L. Rosell , F. Orti , A. Kasprzyk , E. Playa , Tadeusz Marek Peryt

Subaerial Lenticular Cracks in Cretaceous Lacustrine Deposits, Korea

In Sung Paik, Hyun Joo Kim

Origin of Fibrous Gypsum in the Newark Rift Basin, Eastern North America

Mohamed El Tabakh , B. Charlotte Schreiber , John K. Warren

Can Diagenetic Precipitation of Carbonate Nodules Affect Pore-Water Oxygen Isotope Ratios?

Stephen J. Burns

Gas Bubble and Expansion Crack Origin of "Molar-Tooth" Calcite Structures in the Middle Proterozoic Belt Supergroup, Western Montana

George Furniss, John F. Rittel, Don Winston

Primary Siliceous Rhizoliths from Loop Road Hot Springs, North Island, New Zealand

Brian Jones , Robin W. Renaut , Michael R. Rosen , Lew Klyen

Modeling of Erosion and Deposition by Turbidity Currents Generated at River Mouths

Thierry Mulder , James P.M. Syvitski , Kenneth I. Skene

Modification of Gravel During Longshore Transport (Bianco Beach, Calabria, Southern Italy)

Alexander Bartholoma , Hillert Ibbeken , Ruprecht Schleyer

X-Ray Mineralogical Discrimination of Depositional Environments of the Krishna Delta, Peninsular India

Ray E. Ferrell , George F. Hart , Seetarama Swamy , Bhanu Murthy

Sediment Production on Sediment-Starved Continental Margins: The Interrelationship Between Hardbottoms, Sedimentological and Benthic Community Processes, and Storm Dynamics

Stanley R. Riggs , William G. Ambrose, Jr. , Jeffrey W. Cook , Scott W. Snyder , Stephen W. Snyder

Middle Triassic Paleosols and Paleoclimate of Antarctica

G.J. Retallack , A.M. Alonso-Zarza

Early Diagenetic Minerals and Variables Influencing their Distributions in Two Long Cores (> 40 m), Mississippi River Delta Plain

A.M. Bailey , H.H. Roberts , J.H. Blackson

Microtextural Controls of Diagenetic Alteration of Detrital Alkali Feldspars: a Case Study of the Shap Conglomerate (Lower Carboniferous), Northwest England

Martin R. Lee , Ian Parsons

An Easily Constructed, Very Inexpensive, Solar Cell Transmissometer (SCT): RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS

Stephen C. Knowles, John T. Wells

A New Method for the Preparation of Peat Samples for Petrographic Study by Transmitted and Reflected Light Microscopy

Angel M. Lopez-Buendia

Thin-Section Production of Diamicts: Problems and Solutions

S.J. Carr, J.A. Lee

Quantitative Porosity Determination of Thin Sections Using Digitized Images

James V. White (), Brenda L. Kirkland, Jonas P. Gournay

Gypsum-To-Anhydrite Transition in the Miocene of Southern Poland--DISCUSSION

Andrzej Gasiewicz, Grzegorz Czapowski

Gypsum-To-Anhydrite Transition in the Miocene of Southern Poland-REPLY

Alicja Kasprzyk

Brine Inclusions in Halite and the Origin of the Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporites of Western Canada--DISCUSSION

Volodymyr M. Kovalevich , Tadeusz M. Peryt , Oleg I. Petrichenko

Brine Inclusions in Halite and the Origin of the Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporites of Western Canada--REPLY

Juske Horita , Heinrich D. Holland

Diagenesis: A Short (2 Million Year) Story--Miocene Sandstones of Central Sumatra, Indonesia--DISCUSSION

Mark Wilkinson, R. Stuart Haszeldine

Diagenesis: A Short (2 Million Year) Story--Miocene Sandstones of Central Sumatra, Indonesia--REPLY

Jon Gluyas , Norman Oxtoby

Book Reviews

Arthur H. Saller, G. G. Zuffa

Late Quaternary emplacement on the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain: ERRATUM

Susana M. Lebreiro, I. Nicholas McCave, Philip P. E. Weaver