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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Evolution of the Holocene Mississippi River Floodplain, Ferriday, Louisiana: Insights on the Origin of Fine-Grained Floodplains

Andres Aslan , Whitney J. Autin

Processes of Sedimentation on a Lacustrine Border-Fault Margin: Interpretation of Cores from Lake Malawi, East Africa

John T. Wells , Christopher A. Scholz , Michael J. Soreghan

Coarse-Grained, Deep-Water Sedimentation Along a Border Fault Margin of Lake Malawi, Africa: Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis

Michael J. Soreghan , Christopher A. Scholz , John T. Wells

Antarctic Circumpolar Deep Water: A Quaternary Paleoflow Record from the Northern Scotia Sea, South Atlantic Ocean

John A. Howe (), Carol J. Pudsey

Detection of Sedimentary Cyclicity and Stratigraphic Completeness by Wavelet Analysis: An Application to Late Albian Cyclostratigraphy of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Andreas Prokoph , Frederik P. Agterberg

A Sharp-Based Sandstone of the Viking Formation, Joffre Field, Alberta, Canada: Criteria for Recognition of Transgressively Incised Shoreface Complexes

James A. MacEachern , Brian A. Zaitlin , S. George Pemberton

Facies Character and Stratal Responses to Accommodation in Pennsylvanian Bioherms, Western Orogrande Basin, New Mexico

Gerilyn S. Soreghan , Katherine A. Giles

Distribution and Deposition of Mudstone Facies in the Upper Devonian Sonyea Group of New York

Jurgen Schieber

Upper Cambrian Carbonate Platform Evolution, Elvinia and Taenicephalus Zones (Pterocephaliid--Ptychaspid Biomere Boundary), Northwestern Wyoming

Matthew R. Saltzman

Self-Organizing Models of Shallow-Water Carbonate Accumulation

Carl N. Drummond, Pamela J. Dugan

Modeling Carbonate Microfacies in the Context of High-Frequency Dynamic Relative Sea-Level and Environmental Changes

Guy H. Spence (), Maurice E. Tucker

Digital Scanning of Thin Sections and Peels

Thomas L. De Keyser

Deciphering the Sedimentological Expression of Tectonics, Eustasy, and Climate: A Basinwide Study of the Corallian Formation, Southern England--DISCUSSION

Stephen P. Hesselbo , Angela L. Coe

Deciphering the Sedimentological Expression of Tectonics, Eustasy, and Climate: A Basinwide Study of the Corallian Formation, Southern England--REPLY

Carol B. De Wet

Bed-thickness structure of multi-sourced ramp turbidites: Devonian Brallier Formation, central Appalachian basin: ERRATUM

Carl N. Drummond