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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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A Process Model for the Evolution, Morphology, and Architecture of Sinuous Submarine Channels: PERSPECTIVES

Jeff Peakall, Bill Mccaffrey, Ben Kneller

Estimation of Channel Sinuosity from Paleocurrent Data: A Method Using Fractal Geometry

Parthasarathi Ghosh

Weibull vs. Lognormal Distributions for Fluvial Gravels

G.M. Kondolf , A. Adhikari

Random Orientation of Wood on Two Tiny Alluvial Fans (Tavaputs Plateau, Ne Utah, U.S.A.)

Neil A. Wells, Shawn R. Rapp

Residual Sediment Transport Paths on a Tidal Sand Bank: A Comparison Between the Modified McLaren Model and Bedform Analysis

Veerle Vanwesenbeeck , Jean Lanckneus

Responses of Stable Bay-Margin and Barrier-Island Systems to Holocene Sea-Level Highstands, Western Gulf of Mexico

Robert A. Morton , Jeffrey G. Paine , Michael D. Blum

Depositional Processes of Submarine Debris Flows in the Miocene Fan Deltas, Pohang Basin, SE Korea with Special Reference to Flow Transformation

Young K. Sohn

Delta-Fed Turbidites Infilling Topographically Complex Basins: A New Depositional Model for the Annot Sandstones, SE France

H.D. Sinclair

Evolution of Mesozoic Sandstone Compositions, Southern Junggar, Northern Tarim, and Western Turpan Basins, Northwest China: A Detrital Record of the Ancestral Tian Shan

Marc S. Hendrix

Diagenesis and Pore-Water Evolution in Permian Sandstones, Gharif Formation, Sultanate of Oman

Bernhard H. Hartmann, Karl Ramseyer, Albert Matter

Some Examples of the Effect of Crystallographic Orientation on the Cathodoluminescence Colors of Quartz

Olav Walderhaug , Johannes Rykkje

Hydrotalcite and an Amorphous Clay Mineral in High-Magnesium Mudstones from the Kozani Basin, Greece

Anthony Hall , Michael G. Stamatakis

Bacterially Induced Mg-Calcite Formation: Role Of Mg2+ in Development of Crystal Morphology

M. Teresa Gonzalez-Munoz , Kaoutar Ben Chekroun , Aziza Ben Aboud , Jose M. Arias , Manuel Rodriguez-Gallego

Depositional Facies and Aqueous-Solid Geochemistry of Travertine-Depositing Hot Springs (Angel Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, U.S.A.)

Bruce W. Fouke , Jack D. Farmer (), David J. Des Marais , Lisa Pratt , Neil C. Sturchio , Peter C. Burns (5), Mykell K. Discipulo

Trigonal Dendritic Calcite Crystals Forming from Hot Spring Waters at Waikite, North Island, New Zealand

Brian Jones , Robin W. Renaut , Michael R. Rosen

Relationship of Uranium to Petrography of Caliche Paleosols with Application to Precisely Dating the Time of Sedimentation

E. Troy Rasbury , William J. Meyers , Gilbert N. Hanson , Robert H. Goldstein , Arthur H. Saller

The Paleohydrology of Lower Cretaceous Seasonal Wetlands, Isle of Wight, Southern England

V. Paul Wright , Kevin G. Taylor , Victoria H. Beck

Factors Controlling Sediment Preservation on a North Jamaican Fringing Reef: A Process-Based Approach to Microfacies Analysis

Christopher T. Perry

Dolomitization of Holocene Shallow-Marine Deposits Mediated by Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis in Normal-Salinity Seawater, Northern Belize

Chellie S. Teal, S.J. Mazzullo, William D. Bischoff

Gypsum-Hydroboracite Association in the Sijes Formation (Miocene, Nw Argentina): Implications for the Genesis of Mg-Bearing Borates

Federico Orti , Ricardo N. Alonso

Origin of Authigenic Mn-Fe Carbonates and Pore-Water Evolution in Marine Sediments: Evidence from Cenozoic Strata of the Arctic Ocean and Norwegian-Greenland Sea (Odp Leg 151)

Nancy Chow , Sadoon Morad , Ihsan S. Al-Aasm

Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Evidence of Cretaceous Sea-Level Fluctuations Recorded in Septarian Concretions from Pueblo, Colorado, U.S.A.

Mario Coniglio , Paul Myrow , Tim White

Differential Diagenesis of Rhythmic Limestone Alternations Supported by Palynological Evidence

Hildegard Westphal (), Martin J. Head (), Axel Munnecke ()

Origin of Stylolites in Upper Permian Zechstein Anhydrite (Gorleben Salt Dome, Germany)

Gunther Bauerle , Otto Bornemann , Friedrich Mauthe , Dieter Michalzik

The Origin of Dolomites in Tertiary Sediments from the Margin of Great Bahama Bank

Peter K. Swart , Leslie A. Melim

Parent Brine of the Castile Evaporites (Upper Permian), Texas and New Mexico

Douglas W. Kirkland , Rodger E. Denison , Walter E. Dean

Diagenesis of the Lower Permian Krider Member, Southwest Kansas, U.S.A.: Fluid-Inclusion, U-Pb, and Fission-Track Evidence for Reflux Dolomitization During Latest Permian Time

John A. Luczaj , Robert H. Goldstein