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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Styles of Failure in Late Holocene Highstand Prodelta Wedges on the Adriatic Shelf
A. Correggiari, F. Trincardi, L. Langone, M. Roveri
Evolution of Continental Slope Gullies on the Northern California Margin
Glenn A. Spinelli , Michael E. Field
Shoreline Autoretreat Substantiated in Flume Experiments
Tetsuji Muto
Large-Scale Cycle Architecture in Continental Strata, Hornelen Basin (Devonian), Norway
Donna S. Anderson, Timothy A. Cross
A Triassic Upwelling Zone: The Shublik Formation, Arctic Alaska, U.S.A.
Judith Totman Parrish , Mary L. Droser , David J. Bottjer
An Indicator of Water-Column Anoxia: Resolution of Biofacies Variations in the Kimmeridge Clay (Upper Jurassic, U.K.)
R. Raiswell, R. Newton, P.B. Wignall
Anatomy of a Modern Coral Reef Flat: A Recorder of Storms and Uplift in the Late Holocene
Hiroya Yamano (), Hajime Kayanne (1,2)(), Nobuyuki Yonekura ()
Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Taconian and Acadian Foreland Sedimentary Rocks in New England
S.M. McLennan (1,2), B. Bock , W. Compston , S.R. Hemming , D.K. McDaniel()
The Submarine Volcanic System of the Errigoiti Formation (Albian-Santonian of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Northern Spain): Stratigraphic Framework, Facies, and Sequences
Luis M. Castanares , Sergio Robles , Domingo Gimeno , Jose C. Vicente Bravo