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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures--A New Category within the Classification of Primary Sedimentary Structures: PERSPECTIVES
Nora Noffke , Gisela Gerdes , Thomas Klenke , Wolfgang E. Krumbein
Outburst Flood Sedimentation on the Proglacial Tuttle Canyon Alluvial Fan, Owens Valley, California, U.S.A.
Terence C. Blair
Late Pleistocene Tidal Rhythmites in Kyunggi Bay, West Coast of Korea: A Comparison with Simulated Rhythmites Based on Modern Tides and Implications for Intertidal Positioning
Kyung Sik Choi (), Baeck Oon Kim , Yong Ahn Park
A New Type of Bedform Produced by Backfilling Processes in a Submarine Channel, Late Miocene, Tabernas-Sorbas Basin, SE Spain
Kevin T. Pickering , David M. Hodgson , Ellen Platzman , Julian D. Clark , Clare Stephens
Relationships Between Wave-Induced Currents and Sediment Grain Size on a Sandy Tidal-Flat
G.C. Malvarez, J.A.G. Cooper, D.W.T Jackson
Quantitative Interpretation of Sedimentary Structures Formed by River Dunes
Suzanne F. Leclair, John S. Bridge
Structure, Stability, and Transformation of Contaminated Lacustrine Surface Fine-grained Laminae
Ian G. Droppo , Carl L. Amos
Sedimentary Facies and Mineralogy of the Late Pleistocene Umukuri Silica Sinter, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Kathleen A. Campbell , K. Sannazzaro , K.A. Rodgers , N.R. Herdianita , P.R.L. Browne (5)
Relationship between Spring and Geyser Activity and the Deposition and Morphology of High Temperature (> 73°C) Siliceous Sinter, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A.
Deena Braunstein, Donald R. Lowe
Diagenesis and Crystal Caskets: Echinoderm Mg Calcite Transformation, Dry Canyon, New Mexico, U.S.A.
J.A.D. Dickson
Estimation of Duration of Subaerial Exposure in Shallow-Marine Limestones--an Isotopic Approach
Wan Yang
Powder X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Sedimentary Dolostones
Brian Jones, Robert W. Luth, Alexander J. MacNEIL
Pleistocene Dolomite from the Namibian Shelf: High 87Sr/86Sr and 18O Values Indicate an Evaporative, Mixed-Water Origin
John Compton, Chris Harris, Simon Thompson
Crystal Growth Mechanisms of Quartz Overgrowths in a Cambrian Quartz Arenite
Astrid Makowitz (), Duncan Sibley
Equatorial Aridity in Western Pangea: Lower Permian Loessite and Dolomitic Paleosols in Northeastern New Mexico, U.S.A.
Jennifer L.P. Kessler , Gerilyn S. Soreghan , Herbert J. Wacker
The Origin of Clay Minerals in Soils of King George Island, South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica, and its Implications for the Clay-Mineral Compositions of Marine Sediments
G.Y. Jeong , H.I. Yoon
Lithologic and Pedogenic Influences on Porosity Distribution and Groundwater Flow in Fractured Sedimentary Saprolite: A New Application of Environmental Sedimentology
Steven G. Driese, Larry D. McKay, Clint P. Penfield
Carbonate Grain-Size Distribution in Hemipelagic Sediments from a Laser Particle Sizer: RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS
Alain Trentesaux, Philippe Recourt, Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles, Nicolas Tribovillard
An Inexpensive, Diver-Assisted Percussion Coring Device
Jon C. Cawley, Bruce c. Parker