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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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The Editor's Page
David A. Budd, Mary J. Kraus
Process-Response Modeling of Wave-Dominated Coastal Systems: Simulating Evolution and Stratigraphy on Geological Timescales
Joep E.A. Storms, G.J. Weltje, J.J. van Dijke, C.R. Geel, S.B. Kroonenberg
Glacially Driven Cycles in Accumulation Space and Sequence Stratigraphy of a Stream-Dominated Alluvial Fan, San Joaquin Valley, California, U.S.A.
Gary S. Weissmann, Jeffrey F. Mount, Graham E. Fogg
Carbonaceous and Phosphate-Rich Sediments of the Miocene Monterey Formation at El Capitan State Beach, California, U.S.A.
Cedric M. John, Karl B. Follmi, Eric De Kaenel, Thierry Adatte, Philipp Steinmann, Christophe Badertscher
The Cuyama Strike-Slip Basin, California, U.S.A.: An Exemplar of Contrasting Syntectonic and Post-Tectonic Strata
Bryce Hoppie, Robert E. Garrison
Origin and Timing of the Miocene-Pliocene Unconformity in Southeast Australia
Julie A. Dickinson, Malcolm W. Wallace, Guy R. Holdgate, Stephen J. Gallagher, Lindsay Thomas
Postdepositional Sm/Nd Fractionation in Sandstones: Implications for Neodymium-Isotope Stratigraphy
S.N. Ehrenberg, P.H. Nadeau
Stratigraphic Significance of Ooidal Ironstones from the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: The Peace River Formation, Alberta, Canada, and the Castlegate Sandstone, Utah, U.S.A.
Kevin G. Taylor, J.A. (Toni) Simo, Dan Yocum, Dale A. Leckie
A Floating-Element Drag Plate for Direct Measurement of Bed Shear Stress During Eolian Transport
Steven L. Namikas