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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Organic Carbon Burial and Phosphogenesis in the Antler Foreland Basin: An Out-of-Phase Relationship During the Lower Mississippian
Matthew R. Saltzman
A Budget of Carbonate Framework and Sediment Production, Kailua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii
J.N. Harney, C.H. Fletcher, III
Controls on the Evolution of Carbonate Mud Mounds in the Lower Cretaceous Cupido Formation, Northeastern Mexico
Gustavo Murillo-Muneton, Steven L. Dorobek
Hydraulic-Jump and Hyperconcentrated-Flow Deposits of a Glacigenic Subaqueous Fan: Oak Ridges Moraine, Southern Ontario, Canada
H.A.J. Russell, R.W.C. Arnott
Selective Entrainment of Sediment Graded by Size and Density Under Waves
Matthew R. Tomkins, Peter Nielsen, Michael G. Hughes
Correlative Lowstand Deltaic and Shelf Systems in the Guadix Basin (Late Miocene, Betic Cordillera, Spain): The Stratigraphic Record of Forced and Normal Regressions
Jesus M. Soria, Juan Fernandez, Fernando Garcia, Cesar Viseras
The Effect of Sea Level, Climate, and Shelf Physiography on the Development of Incised-Valley Complexes: A Modern Example From the East China Sea
Robert W. Wellner, Louis R. Bartek
Quaternary Sedimentation and Subsidence History of Lake Baikal, Siberia, Based on Seismic Stratigraphy and Coring
S.M. Colman, E.B. Karabanov, C.H. Nelson, III
Paleoenvironmental Controls on Upper Eocene Biosiliceous Neritic Sediments, Southern Australia
P.R. Gammon, N.P. James
High-Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy of a Narrow, Bedrock-Controlled Estuary: The Guadiana Estuarine System, SW Iberia
F.J. Lobo, J.M.A. Dias, R. Gonzalez, F.J. Hernandez-Molina, J.A. Morales, V. Diaz Del Rio
Sequence Stratigraphy in Lacustrine Basins: A Model for part of the Green River Formation (Eocene), Southwest Uinta Basin, Utah, U.S.A.
David Keighley, Stephen Flint, John Howell, Andrea Moscariello
Quantification of Brittle Deformation in Burial Compaction, Frio and Mount Simon Formation Sandstones
Astrid Makowitz, Kitty L. Milliken
Petrography of Finely Crystalline Cenozoic Dolostones as Revealed by Backscatter Electron Imaging: Case Study of the Cayman Formation (Miocene), Grand Cayman, British West Indies
Brian Jones, Robert W. Luth
Composition, Diagenesis, and Weathering of the Sediments and Basement of the Callabonna Sub-Basin, Central Australia: Implications for Landscape Evolution
Eric Tonui, Patrice De Caritat§
Detrital Fission-Track Analysis and Sedimentary Petrofacies as Keys of Alpine Exhumation: The Example of the Venetian Foreland (European Southern Alps, Italy)
Massimiliano Zattin, Cristina Stefani, Silvana Martin
Provenance of Triassic-Cretaceous Sandstones in the Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for Terrane Models During Gondwana Breakup
Robert C.R. Willan
The TESS-1 Suction Corer: A New Device to Extract Wet, Uncompacted Sediments: RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS
Gonzalo Mendez, Marta Perez-Arlucea, Esther Stouthamer, Henk Berendsen
Plotting Equation for Gaussian Percentiles and a Spreadsheet Program for Generating Probability Plots: DISCUSSION
Neil A. Wells
Plotting Equation for Gaussian Percentiles and a Spreadsheet Program for Generating Probability Plots: REPLY
James H. Balsillie, Joseph F. Donoghue, Kenji M. Butler, Jennifer L. Koch
Plotting Equation for Gaussian Percentiles and a Spreadsheet Program for Generating Probability Plots: DISCUSSION
John C. Tipper
Plotting Equation for Gaussian Percentiles and a Spreadsheet Program for Generating Probability Plots: REPLY
James H. Balsillie, Joseph F. Donoghue, Kenji M. Butler, Jennifer L. Koch