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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Tsunamis in a Stormy Sea: Middle Cambrian Inner-Shelf Limestones of Western Argentina
Brian R. Pratt, Osvaldo L. Bordonaro
Turbidite Systems in the Inner Forearc Domain of the Hikurangi Convergent Margin (New Zealand): New Constraints on the Development of Trench-Slope Basins
Julien Bailleul, Cecile Robin, Frank Chanier, Francois Guillocheau, Brad Field, Jacky Ferriere
Basic Building Blocks and Process Variability of a Cretaceous Delta: Internal Facies Architecture Reveals a More Dynamic Interaction of River, Wave, and Tidal Processes Than Is Indicated by External Shape
M. Royhan Gani, Janok P. Bhattacharya
3-D Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of a Forced Regressive Top-Truncated Mixed-Influenced Delta, Cretaceous Wall Creek Sandstone, Wyoming, U.S.A.
Keumsuk Lee, George A. McMechan, M. Royhan Gani, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Xiaoxian Zeng, Charles D. Howell Jr.
High-Resolution Facies Analyses of Mudstones: Implications for Paleoenvironmental and Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations of Offshore Ancient Mud-Dominated Successions
Joe H. S. Macquaker, Kevin G. Taylor, Rob L. Gawthorpe
Superimposed Cycles of Composite Marine Terraces: The Example of Cutro Terrace (Calabria, Southern Italy)
Ronald Nalin, Francesco Massari, Massimo Zecchin