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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Changes in Depositional Processes—An Ingredient in a New Generation of Sequence-Stratigraphic Models
Shuji Yoshida, Ron J. Steel, Robert W. Dalrymple
Climatic Modulation of Timing of Systems-Tract Development with Respect to Sea-Level Changes (Middle Pleistocene of Crotone, Calabria, Southern Italy)
F. Massari, L. Capraro, D. Rio
Quantitative Mineralogy of Surface Sediments on the Iceland Shelf, and Application to Down-Core Studies of Holocene Ice-Rafted Sediments
John T. Andrews, Dennis D. Eberl
Genesis of Palimpsest Cool-Water Carbonate Sediment on the Continental Margin of Southern Australia
John M. Rivers, Noel P. James, T. Kurt Kyser, Yvonne Bone
Earliest Steps of Diagenesis in Living Scleractinian Corals: Evidence from Ultrastructural Pattern and Raman Spectroscopy
Christine Perrin, David C. Smith
Karst and Early Fracture Networks in Carbonates, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies
Sean A. Guidry, Mark Grasmueck, Daniel G. Carpenter, Andrew M. Gombos Jr., Steven L. Bachtel, David A. Viggiano
Middle Permian Telodiagenetic Processes in Neoproterozoic Sequences, Tandilia System, Argentina
Patricia Eugenia Zalba, Marcelo Manassero, Emmanuel Laverret, Daniel Beaufort, Alain Meunier, Martin Morosi, Laura Segovia