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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Unravelling the Origin of Ultralaminae in Sedimentary Organic Matter: The Contribution of Bacteria and Photosynthetic Organisms
Muriel Pacton, Georges E. Gorin, Nicolas Fiet
Downfan Transformation from Turbidity Currents to Debris Flows at a Channel-to-Lobe Transitional Zone: The Lower Pleistocene Otadai Formation, Boso Peninsula, Japan
Makoto Ito
Factors Affecting the Accumulation of Organic-Rich Deposits in a Modern Avulsive Floodplain: Examples from the Cumberland Marshes, Saskatchewan, Canada
K. Sian Davies-Vollum, Norman D. Smith
Detrital Modes in a Late Miocene Wedge-Top Basin, Northeastern Calabria, Italy: Compositional Record of Wedge-Top Partitioning
Mirko Barone, Rocco Dominici, Francesco Muto, Salvatore Critelli