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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Development of Rheological Heterogeneity in Clay-Rich High-Density Turbidity Currents: Aptian Britannia Sandstone Member, U.K. Continental Shelf
Simon P. Barker, Peter D.W. Haughton, William D. McCaffrey, Stuart G. Archer, Bill Hakes
Reconstruction of Water Temperature, pH, and Flux of Ancient Hot Springs from Travertine Depositional Facies
John Veysey II, Bruce W. Fouke, Michael T. Kandianis, Thomas J. Schickel, Roy W. Johnson, Nigel Goldenfeld
Microfacies Characteristics of a Tropical, Mangrove-Fringed Shoreline, Cleveland Bay, Queensland, Australia: Sedimentary and Taphonomic Controls on Mangrove Facies Development
Christopher T. Perry, Andrew Berkeley, Scott G. Smithers
Sustained Alluvial Aggradation and Autogenic Detachment of the Alluvial River from the Shoreline in Response to Steady Fall of Relative Sea Level
Andrew L. Petter, Tetsuji Muto
Response of Late Cretaceous Migrating Deltaic Facies Systems to Sea Level, Tectonics, and Sediment Supply Changes, New Jersey Coastal Plain, U.S.A.
Andrew A. Kulpecz, Kenneth G. Miller, Peter J. Sugarman, James V. Browning
Structural, Sedimentologic, and Sea-Level Controls on Sand Distribution in a Steep-Clinoform Asymmetric Wave-Influenced Delta: Miocene Billund Sand, Eastern Danish North Sea and Jylland
Jens Peter V. Hansen, Erik S. Rasmussen
Mississippian Paleocean Chemistry from Biotic and Abiotic Carbonate, Muleshoe Mound, Lake Valley Formation, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Franciszek J. Hasiuk, Kyger C. Lohmann