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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Paleoenvironmental Isotope Geochemistry and Paragenesis of Lacustrine and Palustrine Carbonates, Flagstaff Formation, Central Utah, U.S.A.
Gabriel J. Bowen, Andrew L. Daniels, Brenda B. Bowen
Interactions Between Tidal Flows and Ooid Shoals, Northern Bahamas
Stacy Lynn Reeder, Eugene C. Rankey
Geochemistry of Preserved Permian Aragonitic Cements in the Tepees of the Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas and New Mexico, U.S.A.
Henry S. Chafetz, Zhuodan Wu, Thomas J. Lapen, Kitty L. Milliken
Re-Evaluation of the Middle Miocene Eagle Mountain Formation and Its Significance as a Piercing Point for the Interpretation of Extreme Extension Across the Death Valley Region, California, U.S.A.
Byrdie Renik, Nicholas Christie-Blick, Bennie W. Troxel, Lauren A. Wright, Nathan A. Niemi
Clinoform Progradation by Turbidity Currents: Modeling and Experiments
Thomas P. Gerber, Lincoln F. Pratson, Matthew A. Wolinsky, Ron Steel, Jere Mohr, John B. Swenson, Chris Paola
Method to Produce Grain-Scale Digital Images of Large Experimental Sedimentary Deposits and Other Imperfectly Flat Stratigraphy
Jim Mullin, Chris Ellis